10 Questions To Ask To Make Sense Of One’s Life

10 questions to ask yourself to make sense of your life

There are days when we wake up and wonder what the point is of being in a relationship with a person who doesn’t love or respect us, why are we going to work every day in a role that we don’t fall in love with, or why we generally don’t. the life we ​​had dreamed of.

All these questions lead us to reflect on a series of choices that we made throughout our existence and that perhaps were not our choices, or were paths we chose out of fear, for lack of courage to live our own dreams. There are a number of questions we can ask ourselves to make sense of our lives and whether we are living what we want. Below, we list 10 of them.

How do you see your life in 5 years?

Think for a moment: what would your life be like 5 years from now? Would you continue in the situation you are in? Maybe the idea of ​​that future makes you happy and you don’t want to change anything, or maybe the idea of ​​that future is something you don’t want to live with. Our exercise should consist of reflecting on whether the life we ​​are currently leading leads us to that dreamed-up ideal of life that we want.

What would you do if you had no fear?

Fear paralyzes us, and when it comes to getting out of our comfort zone, we invent any excuse to complain without doing anything to find solutions and change what bothers us. Think about what you would do if you weren’t afraid, what would you dare to do? Visualize this situation you would like to live in; how do you feel?


What are your top 3 talents?

Sometimes we see all our faults, but we are not able to appreciate our talents. What do you do best? What do you feel passionate about? And the most important question: Are you dedicated to it? These questions will make you think about what you stand out most about, and why you don’t do what you love most.

What is most important in your life?

Take a moment to think about what is most important in your life, what makes you really happy, and reflect on whether or not that something is in your life. Maybe the time has come to change something or change everything.

What is your childhood dream that you didn’t fulfill?

Each of us has a childhood dream that we imagined fulfilling as adults. Think about what you dreamed of doing when you were little and what happened so that you are not living that dream now. Also, you can think about what things you could do to gradually move closer to your childhood dream.

Are you clinging to something you should let go?

We tend to cling to things or people that we should let go, because they don’t do us any good, because they hurt us, or because it’s time to evolve and change. It’s important to learn to let go; it will certainly hurt, but over time you will find that sometimes it is necessary to allow things or people to go so that a new air can enter your life.


Do you live your life to be happy or to make others happy?

If you stop to think about your life, you may realize that you are living and choosing what makes others happy, not what makes you happy. It is not a matter of giving satisfaction to others, but of being happy. In fact, people who like you want to see you happy, but they need to distinguish between what they think makes you happy and what really makes you happy.

What would you do differently in your life if you knew that no one would judge you?

Other people’s opinions always come up when we think about changing something in our lives, but imagine that no one will judge you. What would you change in your life? As well as the fear of what will happen if you change, we are also afraid of what others will say.

Are you dedicated to what you feel passionate about?

We often complain about work, boss, schedules, co-workers, but we don’t do anything to change this out of fear or other people’s opinions. We conform, not daring to take chances and live life to the fullest.

If you only had a month to live, how would you enjoy it?

We waste a lot of time on social media, cell phones or television, but ask yourself if you would do this if you only had a month to live. Certainly not; surely you would dedicate yourself to enjoying every second of the people you like, the places you like, every little detail that makes you happy. And why not start now?

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