3 Easy Ways To Take Care Of Yourself

3 easy ways to take care of yourself

Maybe looking for ways to take care of yourself isn’t one of your top priorities right now, but it should be. You might like to, but you have a lot to do and you believe you can’t “waste your time”. Work, studies, partner, family… Obligations and responsibilities that take up your time and leave behind the idea of ​​taking care of yourself more. Maybe you felt selfish doing that.

Now taking care of yourself is not only good, but necessary. It’s not a matter of whimsy, but of pampering yourself, treating yourself well, valuing yourself… You don’t have to do big things to take care of yourself. Often a few simple details provide a good dose of well-being. If you take care of others, if you dedicate your time to others, why not do it with yourself too?

Different ways to take care of yourself

spend time

Taking care of yourself is taking care of your mental, physical and spiritual health. You don’t need to spend a lot of money, or set aside time daily or weekly for something that harms your health (like smoking or using any harmful substance because it makes you feel better at that moment).

how to take care of yourself

Here are some small suggestions for you to pamper yourself. Performing these actions is like taking a capsule of happiness: a small healthy pleasure for your entire being. Its effects may not last long, but they will be enough to recharge your energy and move on.

ask yourself how are you

How are you going to take care of yourself if you don’t find out how you are? Checking your emotional state is essential to know what to do for yourself.

In the same way that you ask people around you how they are doing, do this with you too. Sit down and be honest. Turn off the autopilot and talk to yourself to find out what you need right now. It’s the first step to start taking care of yourself. Only by knowing how you are doing will you be able to initiate actions to feel better.


Self-massage is a great massage alternative that you can give yourself at any time and can also provide multiple benefits.

On the Internet you will find hundreds of videos in which you will learn how to massage different parts of the body to relieve minor tensions. Now, if you have an injury, you should see a specialist. However, if you just need to release tension and relax, self-massage is a great solution.

You can also buy different devices that will give you great relief and make you feel great. You have different options: from electronic devices for receiving back or foot massages to simple tools such as balls, rollers or other devices to complete or enhance your self-massage.

take a relaxing bath

The rush of everyday life forces us to quickly go through the bathroom for daily cleaning. However, spending a little more time every now and then has great benefits. In fact, we can turn it into a ritual to relax our body after the day’s stress.

Fill the bathtub, add bath salts, oils or any other relaxing product and enjoy a moment “all yours” with your favorite music, or even in complete silence. Take the opportunity to moisturize your skin and hair, or for anything else that makes you feel good about yourself.

This is much more than cosmetic care. It is a mental and spiritual cleansing. It is a reconnection with yourself, with your needs, with your innermost being.

Taking a relaxing bath is one of the ways to take care of yourself.

Give yourself time to read

You may not have stopped to think about it, but during the day we read a lot. From work documents and emails to instruction manuals, through recipes, self-help books or textbooks. That’s why many people don’t consider reading a form of self-care, but it is.

Reading is one of those great pleasures that help you travel, live another reality, transport you to another place and meet other people. Choose the fiction genre you like best and let your mind fly.

Reading gives rest to your body and your spirit. It helps to release tension, to see things differently, to have new experiences and, of course, to open your mind.

don’t feel guilty for taking care of yourself

Love well understood starts with yourself. In fact, it’s very selfish to go from taking care of yourself to taking care of others, hoping they’ll take care of you tomorrow. More than anything, if there’s one person who knows you well, it’s yourself.

Spending a little time each day will make you that much more available to everyone else. It will recharge your batteries and you will have much more energy to spend your time with others. You will be stress free and much more productive in your work and/or studies.

Pampering yourself and taking time to pamper yourself will make you feel much more satisfied and happier. What are you waiting for?

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