3 Ingredients For Better Living

3 ingredients to live better

It is very common for us to criticize some phases of our life, try to erase them from our history and, as much as we think about what happened, we find only bitter memories: failures, mistakes and impotence. Complicated situations we face too soon, missed opportunities, the love we can’t identify and live.

Learning and being responsible for the decisions we make makes us free to face life. It all starts with accepting who we are and why we act in a certain way. But there are many people in our culture who constantly push us to question our choices, leading us to believe that we are always wrong or that “we are not good enough”.

When this happens, we can become victims of our own negative beliefs that we create and nurture throughout our lives. Thoughts are like rain, they specialize in finding gaps in our self-esteem to weaken us; to deny ourselves.

We often live our life “cooking over a low heat”, (sometimes too strong), with many ingredients that we put in our backpacks, little by little, in our pot, according to our taste. If you want to live well, you have to throw away some ingredients.


be proud of yourself to live better

It is very common to confuse loving yourself and being happy with self-centeredness or selfish personality. Some people may try to make you feel less than you really are, but never forget that you have every reason to be proud of yourself.

When we talk about love, respect and admiration for ourselves, we are not harming anyone, but contributing to our personal development. Let go of regret, learn to live fully and without ties to the past. Live the present respecting the moment and looking for tools that can help you in your personal development.

take the initiative

How many times have we been told that “we are very decisive or bossy”? Taking the initiative prompts us to act and take the first step while others are still thinking. Go ahead and make a smart decision, otherwise others will decide for you.

Remember that there is nothing wrong with believing and taking the first step, as there is no more liberating experience than not depending on others to act and get what you want. If you want something, fight for it and follow the path that leads to it. Realize that making mistakes and asking for forgiveness is something as natural as getting it right and celebrating.


Take care of your expectations

We usually  prefer the comfort of the familiar and avoid the unknown. Therefore, we think excessively about what can happen to us and what is really best for us. We act in a similar way in relationships and with the people we love: we generate a lot of expectations of how they will act in order to protect ourselves.

Often these preconceived ideas do not happen as we expected and we start to think negatively, we feel bad about the situation generated, or we believe that we have failed the other. Keep in mind that this is the problem of whoever raised those expectations, not the other person. The most important thing is to take care of what we expect from ourselves and no one else.

No matter the motivation, even if it is to be proud of you, to fulfill the expectations that you generated or not to disappoint those you love, always decide with your heart. That way, even if you regret it later, the regrets won’t be as bitter. They will be accompanied by a sweet and malicious smile for the adventure you lived.

Life is still the only and most extraordinary adventure  where you are a special guest and you have been given many resources to live, smoldering or strong, but with an existence always wonderful.

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