3 Simple Ideas To Improve Performance

3 simple ideas to improve performance

Being constant, meeting goals and having good productivity is not an easy task. Some psychologists devote many years of study and practical performance to trying to improve the performance of others: whether athletes, students, air traffic controllers, etc.

One way to achieve this, applicable to most fields, is through boosting motivation, organizing information, or visualizing tasks. In this regard, among the many ways in which we can improve our performance from a psychological perspective, we have selected three simple ideas for this article. The good thing is that you can apply them yourself and they have no unwanted side effects.

Recommendations for improving performance

1. Manage your time, order your priorities clearly

In order to have the maximum possible performance in any project, work or task, it is essential to have a good organization. In turn, a good organization has as its main column a good scale of priorities and, as walls, an effective way of ordering them depending on the circumstances.

Two of the most important parameters for shaping the order we talk about are the relevance and urgency of each task. Steven Covey has devoted many years of his work as an expert in large business administration to creating a method for deciding what to do at any given time.

Placing pending tasks on the agenda is a way to improve performance. This method will allow you to meet the deadlines you’ve set and, in addition, it will help you know when to delegate work or when to eliminate it from your “to do” list.

2. Be realistic in your planning and organization

Improve income while studying

One of the main mistakes of people looking to improve their performance and motivation is the lack of ability to assess the time it takes to reach a goal or finish a task. This makes them feel great frustration: they always have the feeling that they are not enough and the perceived lack of productivity often makes them more easily distracted, thus closing the cycle that gradually undermines their self esteem.

How not to fall into this sin? When planning a complex task, the ideal is to break it down into simple points: this  way, the time estimate you make will be more realistic. If you’re too distracted, this sequencing of each task will also ensure you don’t forget to get the tools you need before starting work.

Another good idea to gain realism in your schedule is to divide the day into two parts: morning and afternoon (even mid-morning and mid-afternoon). Another important thing is to  include breaks and put small reinforcements behind the tasks we least enjoy doing. Think that your time is too valuable to be used only for obligations and commitments, that’s why moments of concentration are as important as “times of dispersion” if we want to perform well and stay motivated.

3. Where do you want to go by doing what you do?

It is impossible to aim to improve performance, be motivated and be constant without knowing why we do what we do. The activities or tasks without a “final” meaning are the ones that cost the most to maintain, we do it without “care or detail” and we yield less because they don’t really interest us. 

That’s why it’s good to have in our workspace, whether on the desktop or on the computer’s background, an image that is very meaningful to us and reminds us of the reasons for our efforts.

woman happy in her work

If your job doesn’t complete it, but it’s what allows you to support your family, take all the trips you love, go to a concert or go out on weekends with your partner, you should have an image that reminds you of this one. reason. When the work and the tasks it entails are not satisfying on their own, but allow you to reach a higher goal, it ‘s good to have elements that remind you of that motivation.

Put these three simple ideas into practice for a week, you’ll feel more energized by managing your time correctly, and you’ll see how your performance improves. They are easy to apply, you won’t regret it!

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