5 Signs That You Are In The Right Relationship

5 Signs You're in the Right Relationship

Have you ever wondered if you are in the right relationship with your current partner? I’ll confess that this uncertainty has been haunting my heart for several weeks, which made me ask myself questions like: “Is this situation happening with more people? Is it something normal in our daily lives in relationships?” . What are signs of whether we are in the right relationship?

Most of us are often aware that maintaining a relationship will not always be easy, but the question of whether we are in the right relationship or not is a point we rarely question ourselves.

After feeling this uncertainty in my own skin, I set out to investigate those signs that can tell us if we are in the right relationship. Their presence can allow us to open our eyes and/or increase our desire to continue growing with our current partner.

Signs to know if you are in the right relationship

Every relationship is unique. The members are people with their own unique characteristics and, most importantly, with different tastes. It’s been a while since I discovered that the secret to living and growing with a loved one is to learn to understand, respect and know how to manage these differences and preserve equalities, converting them into strengths for the relationship.

1. There is no fear.  The Achilles’ heel within any type of relationship for human beings: fear. Fear gives us a safety signal when we are in a relationship, since if we are right we shouldn’t feel any kind of fear that comes from the other person. In this case , it is normal to feel emotions opposite to fear, such as safety, joy and permanence.

In wrong relationships, the opposite happens: insecurity and fears invade us. Finding yourself in a relationship where you constantly doubt your partner, your own commitment to the relationship, or your value as a person means you’re either in a corrupt relationship or, at the very least, need a fair amount of deep change.

couple who are in the right relationship

2. Authentic trust.  This sign becomes the key pillar of the right relationship: trust. And the feeling that arises when it comes between two people who love each other is indescribable. It should exist between both people long before the relationship begins, as in order to enjoy an experience full of trust, it is necessary to earn it long before any solid love commitments can begin.

But if you find yourself in a situation where you constantly take a look at your cell phone, text messages or simply suspect you in some way, it is very unlikely that the relationship between you will go forward in a positive way.

I once lived in such a familiar environment and, believe me,  it doesn’t make any sense to share your life with someone who generates this bitterness, the result of a continuous lack of trust.

“Why have a relationship where you are suffering and living the opposite of love?”  Asking myself this question, I did not repeat this emotional environment so harmful until today. And I hit the wood in my heart.

3. He/she sacrifices for you. At this point I’m not talking to you about a kind of extreme or vital sacrifice, but about that small, day-to-day sacrifice, like drawing up a negotiated life plan in which your needs can be met. We talk about habits and customs existing between them.

Love is knowing how to share and give your best, hoping for the well-being of others. If you believe that these details do not exist within your commitment, you are probably not in the right relationship.

4. Keep your own identity. In Mind Is Wonderful we share with you the ease with which emotional dependency can arise within a relationship, becoming a sign that you are in the wrong relationship. The fact of sharing your life and your own heart with him/her does not mean that we have to lose our identity.

A beautiful relationship is born from learning to maintain individuality and respect between both members, without letting each one lose their “soul”, stop practicing their hobbies, relating to their friends or family. If you are respecting your differences as a human being, I will welcome you to your right relationship.

5. Even confrontations are positive.  I’ll tell you another secret of the right relationships: Fights, however passionate, always retain an essential ingredient, mutual respect. If this type of confrontation happens, the end result will always be positive with great solutions for both.

However, if in your relationship there are dramatic, negative and toxic discussions, I would like to invite you to stop and reflect  if it is worth continuing in this situation. Ask the big question of “What for?”. You are probably living in a wrong relationship where feelings may not be letting your wise reason work.

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