5 Traits Of Negative People

5 traits of negative people

It would be unfair to claim that a person is essentially negative. All human beings have some value, and there is no one person we could classify as disabled or deficient on their own. When we talk about the traits of negative people, what is questioned is the attitude, not the people themselves.

It is also worth clarifying that nothing in human beings is a pure state nor occurs continuously, especially at the emotional level. Therefore, no person is totally negative or positive. Both attitudes coexist in each of us. What happens is that each one decides to emphasize one or another posture.

In this article, we will try to expose the main characteristics that are identified in people who have negative attitudes. The main one harmed by these attitudes is the person himself. Therefore, it is worth analyzing whether we are committing any of these attitudes and recognizing that we could gain much more if we changed our stance. To do this, let’s look at the top five traits of negative people.

Main traits of negative people

1. Wanting to solve the impossible, a very negative perspective

There are many impossible things in life, but some people are not willing to accept this fact. They don’t accept that frustration is part of existence and that we don’t always get what we want.

Perhaps we wanted to have been born into a millionaire family or to have grown up in a very understanding environment. If not, we cannot do anything to change the past. And if we focus on nostalgia for everything that wasn’t, we can only be filled with bitterness and pain.

Frustrated and stressed man at work

The same thing happens when we turn our gaze to impossible goals. For example, we strive to look young when we are older. Or we try to make someone else behave the way we think they should.

Impossible goals only bring frustration and, therefore, discomfort and suffering. These are states that foster a negative attitude.

2. Giving up when there are obstacles

Just as it is unwise to focus on impossible goals, it is also unwise to surrender when trying to achieve something and encounter a difficult obstacle. We must not forget that every great goal requires great effort, and that most achievements are based on perseverance.

Often in life, the temptation to surrender haunts us. But this is not an option when we are facing goals that, in objective terms, can be achieved, even if they imply overcoming many difficulties. Psychologist Hillary White says: “Giving up makes a person feel defeated. No matter how it ends, facing the difficulties already increases confidence”.

3. Take things too seriously

When we have not yet sufficiently strengthened our self-love and maturity, we will have a very sensitive ego. We can’t bear to be embarrassed and we’re terrified of looking ridiculous. Criticisms don’t sit well with us either, even if they are true and are intended to help us.

Crying woman with hands covering her eyes.

Taking things too seriously only helps to increase a negative attitude towards people and yourself. It takes humility not to take these little social nonsense too seriously. Looking ridiculous or making a mistake only marks people who give more importance to these situations than they really deserve.

4. Complaints as a way of life for negative people

We all complain at one time or another. The problem arises when claiming is adopted as a way of life. In these cases, the vision is blurred and everything seen is negative. There are no other options or possibilities. Attention is drawn to the individual’s misfortunes, suffering and incapacity.

It is no longer a question of manifesting a state of suffering, but of adopting a negative existential position in relation to the world. In fact, it is a strategy often used by negative people to justify the lack of progress.

5. Compare yourself and be hostile to others

Living by comparisons with others is one of the biggest traits of negative people. It implies a lack of autonomy and self-criteria.

Through comparison, the individual analyzes and judges what he does only in terms of what others do. An unfair and frustrating experience that only leads to a posture of constant conflict.

sad woman hugging pillow

What’s worse is that many of these comparisons are only aimed at belittling others as a means to self-exalting. In other words, the misfortunes that happen to others become a source of self-satisfaction because they leave others in a state of want or error, and themselves in a superior and privileged position.

As we can see, sustaining a negative position in relation to reality only leads to a state of constant dissatisfaction that prevents us from progressing and establishing positive relationships. A vicious circle that goes nowhere.

If you’ve noticed any of these traits of negative people in you, don’t hesitate to work to change. Having a negative attitude brings no gain, it just makes you lose yourself.

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