5 Virtues Of Wise Women

5 virtues of wise women

It is not that there is a group of wise women and another group of unfit women. Every woman, and indeed every human being, carries within her the seed of wisdom. What happens is that some hear the sound of these learnings, while others prefer to pretend they didn’t.

Let’s use the adjective “wise” to characterize those women who managed to overcome to a great extent the prejudices and false beliefs that revolve around the feminine. Consider that many societies boast of having given women a more prominent place; however, we all know that this is a process that has not yet been completed and that, in many cases, there is still a long way to go. Unfortunately, the truth is that women around the world continue to face realities of indolence and discrimination.

There are many virtues that define wise women. However, here we will give relevance to five of them. These are complex characteristics, which are only achieved when the mind and heart have gone through a healthy process of evolution. Are the following:

Gender solidarity, a virtue of wise women who value themselves

Envy is an evil flower that grows easily in the feminine realm. Wise women are aware of this, as they have invested part of their time reflecting on this reality. They also know that these disqualifications and these scathing criticisms among women are just a lag of a feeling of inferiority.

wise women

Wise women understand that questioning other women doesn’t make them any better, quite the opposite. Therefore,  they rejoice in their friends’ victories and avoid at all costs those frivolous conversations in which criticism acts as a stone to polish the appearance of others.

Affective independence: acting out of conviction

Independence is not about having your own money to spend, nor about living self-sufficiently, as if you don’t need anyone. It also has nothing to do with living in solitude or discarding relationships because none of them are important.

Independence is mainly reflected in the ability to have one’s own convictions and be consistent with them,  regardless of what other people think or say. Wise women can connect with themselves and follow their desires, realizing that those desires are different from other people’s, but equally legitimate.

A sense of humor, a sign of well-being

A hallmark of wisdom is a good sense of humor. Anyone who has lived long enough knows that laughter is an excellent response to life’s twists and turns. Finally, most situations we experience are unresolvable, and that’s when laughter helps us accept the inevitable.

wise women

A sense of humor brings color at any time. Wise women understand that laughing is an act of freedom. That’s why they know how to do it. They are not looking for someone to amuse them, but they have learned to find for themselves that playful facet that exists in any situation.

Realism when you say goodbye to fairy tales

Almost all women were raised to become eternal romantics. Often, even the most perky and polite ones continue to carry in them a hint of nostalgia for the inexistence of perfect loves and happy endings. Some renounce romantic dreams with some bitterness .

But women who have managed to become wise think and feel differently. Certainly there was a time when they learned to say goodbye to those fantasies that brought only frustration. They understood that the dimension of life as a couple is just one more of life, and not a magical revelation that changes everything forever. They love their partners just as they are, and don’t make them responsible for their own happiness. Paradoxically, they are happier that way.

Self-care, self-conquest

There is a big difference between self-care and vanity. Self-care is about protecting one’s integrity. Personal well-being, health. Also, of course, it involves appearance. It has to do with feeling nice in your own way. In other words, it is not others who say how you should see yourself, it is you who decides that.

wise women

Vanity, on the other hand, seeks to please the eyes of others. It is a characteristic of women who want to be judged with gestures of approval by others. They need others to see them as beautiful, and they are capable of anything to achieve this, even through major inconveniences or putting their lives in danger. Your concept of beauty is dictated by magazines, advertisements, the market.

The defining characteristics of wise women have to do with a common element: self-love. It’s easy to say that, but in order to build true self-esteem, it’s necessary to overcome a lot of prejudices and fantasies. The effort is worth it, because in the end the prize is a freer and fuller life.

Images courtesy of Kathrin Honesta.

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