6 Benefits Of Having A Pet

6 Benefits of Having a Pet

They love us unconditionally and are by our side during the most difficult times and also when we are very happy. The benefits of having a pet are many. Taking care of a pet requires a lot of responsibility, but the results are worth all the effort.

Whether it’s a conventional pet like a dog or cat, or something more exotic like an iguana or a guinea pig, they all have health benefits for their owners.

When we are with our pet, we feel that we are accompanied and even that we have support. Besides, we also feel happier. Domestic animals often give meaning to our lives.  If we love them unconditionally, these benefits will be just something else to keep in mind besides all our love.

Benefits of Having a Pet

Increase our life expectancy

Going for a walk with your dog is a daily opportunity to get exercise. The responsibility to change the water and clean the aquarium will keep your mind active. This physical or mental exercise helps to keep the body active, our circulation active, and the possibility of suffering from some diseases decreases.

woman hugging her dog

Can help us overcome obstacles

Pets also help people with psychological problems, such as post-traumatic stress, to channel their emotions and give meaning to their lives. Besides, having the company of a pet can help us to avoid illnesses: the sense of smell of dogs and cats, for example, is much more developed than that of humans. Therefore, they are the first to detect chemical changes in our bodies.

Some dogs are even trained to detect the symptoms of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia in diabetic patients, in order to avoid major problems.

Avoid the feeling of loneliness and isolation

Our animals help us to overcome the feeling of loneliness because, first of all, they are someone to keep us company. It’s one of the many reasons why older people choose to have a pet, whether it’s a dog, a cat, or a bird.

In addition to keeping us company, animals such as dogs help us to socialize more, since taking care of them means always going out for a walk and going to the park, for example. People who have dogs end up relating to other dog owners, as they share the same green spaces or walking paths.

bring more happiness

Complying with all the care that a pet needs so that we can see it healthy and happy ends up stimulating the production of dopamine and serotonin in ourselves. These are two hormones related to happiness and well-being. In addition, they reduce our level of cortisol, the stress-causing hormone. All of this makes us much more relaxed.

Petting our pets, whenever their anatomy allows it, is also a good antidote to sadness and brings us countless benefits.

love for a pet

Make us more responsible

This is one of the best reasons to give our children a pet. This forces them to take care of a living being that depends to a great extent on them to survive. In this way, they not only learn to relate to other species, but they are also encouraged to understand that they should be concerned about the well-being of others. This teaches you to have more empathy not only with other animals, but with other people as well.

increase our immunity

Having a pet, especially from childhood, exposes a person to allergens and foreign pathogens, sensitizing our entire immune system. It can also reduce the chances of developing different types of allergies if we are exposed early in life.

It is more than demonstrated that animals make us happier. They help us in our daily lives, being excellent companions in life. It is necessary, however, that we are aware. Having a pet is not having a toy or an accessory. They are living beings who need our attention and depend on us to live.

It is alarming to see the number of abandoned animals in our society. It’s also impressive to see the number of people who choose to buy animals over adopting. If, as a society, we continue to abandon animals and increasingly create others for sale and purchase, we will be putting the lives of many of them in danger.

Adoption centers are much more accessible, and the experience of adopting certainly involves saving a life and making sure we are doing some good for the world.

In the end, animals are sensitive beings, who get emotional, feel joy and sadness. They suffer like us. If we really love them unconditionally, they will have the same feeling for us.

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