6 Tips To Start Your Day Right

6 tips to start your day right

There are times in life when everything seems to flow. We feel that she smiles at us and it is easy to get carried away by moments and situations. We don’t care about what’s happening because we’re satisfied with our lives and happy with ourselves. When all is well, it’s easy to get out of bed each morning and start the day with energy.

But life often presents us with bad times. These are darker periods where everything requires extra effort.

These moments can be triggered by the death of a loved one, the loss of a love, a problem at work, financial pressures, or problems with children.


It doesn’t matter the reason or the seriousness of what is happening. No one has the ability to judge whether a problem will affect us or not. There are times when we are weaker and small changes in life affect us and we have to learn to respect them.

But the important thing is how each one faces their problems. And the best way to deal with this is to get out of bed and start your day right.

how to start the day right

– Have a good breakfast : we all already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If we prepare a delicious meal, it can be a motivation for us to get out of bed happy.

–  Read a book and leave the news for later : most people start their day reading the newspaper and end up getting stressed. Books, in turn, stimulate the brain and are good for the soul.

– Meditate : Sit on a pillow with your legs crossed and your hands on your knees, with your spine straight and your mind blank.

If this is difficult for you, focus on your breathing. It is not necessary to practice for a long time; with just ten minutes a day you will notice a gradual change.

-Exercise: It has been proven that it is better to sleep a little less and go for a walk, run or exercise in the morning.

In this way our brain produces endorphins, which stimulate the brain’s pleasure center. Furthermore, they relax the muscles, the mind, and make us sleep better and more deeply.

– Dress up:  what is important is what we have inside us, but our exterior is the reflection of our interior. We won’t feel good if we’re underdressed, disheveled, or unsure of our appearance.

– Trust your ability to solve problems that arise during the day. Look in the mirror, smile to yourself, deny your fears and reaffirm your abilities. Little by little you will feel more secure and be in control of your life.

Most people start their day without being fully aware of their body and mind. They create habits and spend their lives on “autopilot”. This is why it is very important, before starting the daily routine, to stop for a moment and focus on yourself and your thoughts.

We cannot forget that we are the ones who choose our thoughts, and they create our behaviors. Every choice we make determines how we feel physically, mentally and emotionally.

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