7 Tao Phrases To Evolve

The Tao phrases have to do with what Easterners call “the flow of life.” The best path is the one that leads to inner peace, and in order to travel it, we must cultivate some values ​​and achieve balance.
7 Tao phrases to evolve

Most Tao phrases aim to point out certain principles to live well, to have a full existence for the one who lives and profitable for others. This is the Tao, a set of teachings to elevate our passage through the world.

The word Tao can be translated as “way”, “doctrine” or “method”. It is present in several Eastern currents of thought, such as Confucianism, Buddhism and Zen. It intends to describe “the natural order” of things and the harmonious functioning of the universe.

Many Tao phrases can be difficult to understand. Others are very direct and transparent. In both cases, what stands out is the purpose of condensing wisdom into maxims that are applicable to anyone’s everyday life. These are some of the most well-known statements of the Tao.

Tao phrases that help us to reflect

1 – The accumulation

This is one of the many Tao phrases that lead to detachment and independence from the material world. It says: “The wise man does not accumulate. The more you help others, the more you benefit yourself. The more you give to others, the more you get”.

This means that this tendency to accumulate selfishly has only one fate: impoverishment. We may have a great deal of wealth, but what really enriches us is being able to share it with others.

heart shaped stone

2 – The autonomy

This is perhaps the most popular phrase in the Tao and the one that has been most repeated around the world. It goes like this: “If you give a fish to a hungry man, you will be satisfying his hunger for a day. If you teach him to fish, he will satisfy his hunger for all his life.”

It means that the ideal is not to fill the needs of those who are in need. What is truly transformative is teaching the way so that he himself can obtain or conquer what he needs or would like.

3 – Water and Tao

There are many Tao phrases that establish an equivalence between the main values ​​of life and the teachings of nature. Taoists are convinced that nature has a perfect balance that we can all learn from.

This is clearly expressed in the following statement: “Water is soft and gentle, but it undermines and corrodes what is hard. To overcome hardness, there is no comparison. What is soft and tender overcomes what is hard and coarse”. In other words, what is apparently more fragile can be more powerful than what is supposedly stronger.

the restlessness of the water

4 – The three treasures

One of the Tao phrases points out: “Here are my three treasures. Keep them well. The first is godliness; the second, frugality; the third, the denial of being the first of all things under heaven”.

In this case, the Tao uses the word “pity” in its conception of “compassion”. This means that the three great virtues lie in being compassionate, generous and humble. These three virtues are highlighted in almost every philosophical current in the world.

5 – About moderation

Balance in the lives of human beings is about moderation. It’s not about avoiding things, but knowing how to give their fair value and their proper place. Depriving yourself or exceeding yourself in something is what breaks this balance. And it is he who guarantees harmony.

The Tao points out: “The more you accumulate, the more you will lose. Know the measure and you will avoid failures. Know the limits and there will be no risks. Thus, you will have a peaceful life, without anguish!” It means precisely that excesses lead to the loss of inner peace.

path towards enlightenment

6 – Useless loyalty

This is one of the great teachings of the Tao: “Stop being faithful to the things you are attached to and free yourself from affliction and self-pity!” The most interesting thing about this statement is the fact that it associates grief and self-pity with attachment.

The statement means that addiction makes us blind followers of the object of addiction : be it a physical item, a person, or a circumstance. This leads us to fear loss and thus to feel needy and conditioned to what we depend on.

meditate on nature

7 – Conquer yourself

This is another of the great Tao phrases often cited. It says: “He who can conquer his enemies is strong. He who has conquered himself is mighty”.

It means that the main mistakes, limits and problems that we need to deal with are those that dwell within us. Being strong is not about overcoming others, but solving the difficulties that limit us and the obstacles that are within us.

Tao has been around for thousands of years. It influenced philosophies and religions around the world. Currently, its main teachings remain in force and continue to be a guide to living with more wisdom and balance.

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