7 Witty Quotes From George Bernard Shaw

7 witty phrases from George Bernard Shaw

The phrases of George Bernard Shaw are the marks of a great Irish writer and playwright who lived between the 19th and 20th centuries. He understood the spirit of modernity like few others.

George Bernard Shaw was also an acid-humoured journalist in charge of the art criticism sections of major UK newspapers. He soon stood out as one of the most attentive observers of the culture of the time.

Shaw was known for his plays. Like Oscar Wilde, he stood out for his irony and elegant sense of humor. George Bernard Shaw’s sentences are therefore a true legacy of wisdom. Here are 7 of them.

Quotes by George Bernard Shaw about life

One of the recurring themes in George Bernard Shaw’s sentences is life and its vicissitudes. The following sentence, for example, beautifully synthesizes your ideas about destiny, responsibility, and the meaning of life. He says: “Life is not about finding yourself. Life is creating yourself”.

woman celebrating freedom

Related to the subject above, in another sentence that makes a concluding statement, he says: “Most people who die are buried with their music inside.” It is a reminder that we are in the world temporarily and that we cannot take anything to the grave.

If you don’t do it, let others do it

This is one of the most interesting quotes from George Bernard Shaw. He says the following: “People who say nothing can be done must not interrupt those who are doing it. This statement is found in several different versions, with the same central idea.

The phrase appeals to us to avoid those “delusion killers” that often haunt those who dare to dream and try to fulfill their dreams. In other words, it means that if you are not doing something to get what you want, you must respect those who do.

we all get old

Aging is one of those unavoidable facts of life. Whether we like it or not, it is a process that, under normal conditions, everyone has to go through. What happens is that you are not always prepared to live this reality.

One of George Bernard Shaw’s phrases reminds us of what old age really represents. He says: “We don’t stop playing because we get old; we get older because we stop playing”. So in games you are eternally young.

act and not react

All of George Bernard Shaw’s sentences are witty and profound. However, there are some that are truly amazing. This is one of them: “The possibilities are countless when we decide to act, and not react”.

With grace and charm, he simply tells us that we are people and not objects of life. People make decisions and direct the direction of facts. Objects only act by reacting to events that others produce.

woman walking on the road

the block of fear

Fear is one of those monsters that takes us in its arms and if we don’t fight it, it will never let us go. Of course there are reasons to be afraid, but there are also reasons to face it and fight to be better, to live fully.

One of George Bernard Shaw’s quotes about fear reminds us: “In this world there is always danger for those who are afraid.” It means that if we don’t fight fear, it will feed itself and make us see the world as something dangerous.

the two tragedies of life

Sometimes we think that the great tragedy of life is that we don’t get what we want. However, there are many situations in which we find that this is not the case. Our desires are not always sensible enough and satisfying them will not make us any happier.

This is commented on in one of the sentences by George Bernard Shaw, who says: “There are only two tragedies in life: one is not achieving your heart’s desire; the other is to reach it”. When we get what we want, we often face a huge void that nothing can fill.

George Bernard Shaw is, without a doubt, one of the most interesting writers in history. All your sentences are a great contribution to the reflection on life and the world. His sharp and penetrating mind represents the best of universal thinking.

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