Respect For Yourself, Others And The Planet: A Source Of Wealth

Sometimes we have a very strange idea of ​​what respect means. This is a word we must value if we are to make our own impact on the world in which we live.
Respect for yourself, others and the planet: a source of wealth

Thinking that the world we live in can be improved is a belief that moves many people inside. We all want to leave a better world for new generations, but the truth is that many of the changes and improvements start with self-respect.

When a person respects himself, he knows the value of respect firsthand. You know how important and valuable it is to your life and your environment. So when you respect yourself, you also respect others and the world as a whole.

Entering the chain of respect is a positive attitude that ends up encompassing everything. On many occasions, people feel powerless in the face of what is happening around them. But we all have a big impact on it, for better or for worse, even though we are often unaware of it.

The nature

respect for yourself

This is a form of love  in which you start by valuing your own unique and unrepeatable personal approach. It has a lot to do with self-esteem, with understanding and valuing your own character traits. In fact, few opportunities to gain respect from others will be found if we don’t start with ourselves.

Well, self-respect should not be confused with ego, a mask that shows itself to the world with only a few good traits, which are not always true. The respect that a person must demand and profess for himself contemplates authenticity. Therefore, developing and practicing assertive behavior helps a lot to improve this aspect.

In addition,  the decisions that life requires us to make happen through cultivating a healthy dose of self-respect in order to be as successful as possible. Setting boundaries in all aspects of life is one way to cultivate it.

respect others

Respect for others, for their rights, for their ideas, for their way of life and for their beliefs is almost utopian nowadays. Globalizing the world in economic terms is proving much easier than globalizing respect between societies and cultures that have little to do with each other.

Many people find it extremely difficult to respect what they don’t understand or what is at the other extreme of their values. This is tricky when self-respect wasn’t cultivated in the first place. Therefore, doing an exercise to respect other people’s ideas and values ​​is starting the journey halfway through.

Believe it or not, respecting others begins with practicing gratitude and good manners in life’s most basic situations. Kindness is something that, in certain social settings, is being lost.

Facing the world with a smile every day is not a sign of false happiness. It is a token of respect for others, who may not be in the same state of mind as us. This and other customs are the basis of civic behavior. Citizenship is based on respect for oneself and for others. Some call it nobility, and that’s right.

Words can become magic when they contain respect. Being and acting gratefully and generously greatly improves our relationships with others. Courtesy makes us better people in relation to ourselves and others, and it’s the best way to inspire respect in our children as well.

respect for the planet

respect the planet

The good news is that respect is highly contagious. When you know its value, you can spread it around. Our world is much more than the human beings who inhabit it. Realizing that we are only a small part of the wonders our planet contains is taking the first step towards living in harmony with our surroundings and what we nourish in every way.

Of all the skills psychology offers us to improve our lives, respect for yourself, others and the planet is perhaps one of the most important.

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