If You Care, Always Demonstrate, Not Every Other Day

If you care, always show it, not every other day

If you care about me, tell me with your gaze, show me reciprocity and convince me that our love is a complicity and real love. Because being ignored day in and day out by the person we love the most throws us into a state of painful uncertainty.

Conscious, mature and authentic love needs commitment. People build bonds with the people they love: with their children, with their friends and with their partner. These bonds are based on affective security and stability that should not change every day, or depend on mood or other priorities.
It should be clear that it is not by asking for security in our relationships that we are demonstrating an unreasonable need for control or excessive attachment. Needing security in appointments does not imply control or having to give us constant displays of affection every second.
In reality, the issue is simpler: if you care about me, show me your world and let me be a part of it.

We know that, on some occasions, this is not so simple: there are those who do not know, do not want or even cannot deal with reciprocity. Emotional intelligence must be trained and cultivated based on emotional complicity, on offering a serene love to the other person and not a rough sea of ​​many waves, full of oscillations.
We invite you to think about it.

when i feel you don’t care

water woman

No one can live forever in uncertainty. We need stability to cling to and something to believe in as a stable base to move forward calmly, knowing that each effort, each gesture and each projected dream is worth it.

Something we should also keep in mind is that each person understands and lives love in different ways. Even so, both parties in a relationship must reach a balance where there is harmony, where neither side feels harmed.

We also know that these small emotional conflicts are situations that in some cases trigger crises in relationships:

  • A spouse will not always have an inner peace, no crisis or conflict. Relationships are built despite differences, through agreements and respect for different points of view, knowing how to deal well with emotions.
  • Another aspect to understand is that your partner may not have the same emotional communication skills as you do. If, for example, you don’t hear every day that you are loved, that doesn’t mean you aren’t.
  • Love must be felt by both parties as something authentic, as something that comforts and edifies us. If either side of a couple doesn’t feel it, doesn’t live it, there’s a problem.

It is then that we must speak out and voice our emotional needs. Don’t be afraid to say out loud: “I feel, I see, I need, I hope you…”

coffee couple

love should never be taken for granted

Another aspect that we must keep in mind when we are going through moments of crisis, moments when the painful feeling of not feeling loved appears, is that routine, in some cases, makes us feel that we should not fight for love, because this is taken for granted.

Let us understand that love, by its essence, never ceases to demand effort. Small sacrifices that at the beginning of the relationship we usually make unconsciously, since the strength of love is so great, they should always continue. Over time, inertia takes over and the temptation to fall into self-indulgence appears, giving only what is easiest to the relationship. Let’s think:

  • We may think that the sun will rise every morning regardless of any effort we make, that spring will always follow winter. But we can never be sure that whoever loved us yesterday will love us tomorrow, will continue to want us today if we don’t cultivate the relationship, if we don’t show our affection and put the other in our life.
  • A stable and happy relationship understands the value of small details, the complicity of gestures, eternal surprises, declarations. The love of your life should be a daily reason to be impressed and impress others.

red-wing woman

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