Fate Is The Wisdom Of Knowing How To Choose

Destiny is the wisdom of knowing how to choose

Do you believe in destiny? Do you think there is a predetermined path for each of us? Sometimes we think that our life is already conditioned and that we can’t do anything to change it. Nothing further from reality:  fate is not something that is completely written down. You have the final word!

I’m responsible for the life I’ve chosen

As human beings, we are sometimes very irresponsible for the experiences and circumstances in which we live. It’s very difficult to be responsible for something we don’t like or reject. In this way, we blame fate for our own life. But who chose this life for you? Is this really fate’s fault? No, the life you are living is the one you have freely chosen.

Nobody has a predetermined life that must be lived. Even the circumstances that make her tremendously unhappy can be changed. The problem is that we become obsessed with looking at the negative side of every situation, while wanting to get out of something we don’t put any effort into.

Imagine that you are not happy with the situation you are living in right now in your life. What prevents you from changing? Are the limits really there or are you the one who imposes them? Are you really working to resolve this situation or are you getting carried away?


All the limits that we can see exist much more in our minds than in reality. In other words, we limit ourselves because we don’t want to make an effort to overthrow all these limits that are imposed in front of us. Because yes, we can take them down.  There is no enduring limit if you so choose. Your mind is powerful. If you want to achieve something, you will.

take the risk of living

“Living” is a word that is said quickly, as we are all capable of living. But it’s easy? The truth is, no, and it gets worse when we don’t take the risk that life entails. Why do we call it risk? Because it’s difficult, because  life is not a straight path, it has constant ups and downs.

When you take the risk of living, you will know that you are the one who chooses the life that lies before you  and that there is no destiny that forces you to be living a life you do not want. This is a very comfortable way of looking at problems: “I don’t have the possibility of change and I have to accept it”.


It doesn’t matter if you are young, adult or even elderly. You will find difficulties, pains, anguishes and losses at every stage of your life. On the face of it, you can overcome it, as you have the strength and ability to do so. But, don’t blame fate. Living has some consequences and these are just a few of them.

It is also important to take risks throughout your life to change the situations that bother you. Getting out of your comfort zone and deciding to change everything in the present moment is difficult and risky, because you don’t know if everything will work out or not. Are you not willing to prove it?

Fate forms with your choices

Do you remember how many times you wanted to go back and change something? In a past that may not contain acts of which you are very proud. Yes, you could go back, but if you had acted differently or had made other choices, your fate would have been different.

Our destiny is not determined, we are plotting it little by little. We must make choices during all stages of our lives and, with each choice, we open a new path. It’s important to make good choices, but it’s also important to make mistakes and know how to make different choices.

If we were given the option to go back and change some of our actions, even the slightest modification would mean an absolute change in the present. Then, we would be aware of how important our choices are and that our destiny changes with respect to them.

flying couple

Now that you know that fate depends on your choices, take the risk of choosing and making a mistake. Have the courage to face your life if it doesn’t go according to what you want, and never allow yourself to think that you can’t do anything, because you have the final say.

Would you change your destiny?

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