How To Deconstruct The Scenes Of Fear That Run Through Your Mind

How to deconstruct the scenes of fear that run through your mind

We tend to empower fear by blaming it for our inhibition, isolation, or phobias. In reality, however, we ourselves feed fear unconsciously. For this reason, today we are going to help you deconstruct each of the scenes of fear that run through your mind.

The scenes of fear present in your mind are nothing but fantasies that only fuel this fear. It may be that you have had some traumatic experience, and now live in fear that it will happen again. Let’s cite an example.

Let’s imagine that you have been robbed and threatened by an armed thief. It made a very strong impact on you, and so every time you walk down the street where it all happened, you believe it will happen again. This is because the fear scenes that are registered in your mind relive that moment, making you believe that it will happen again. On certain occasions, you will even come to imagine another scenario, other actors in this sceneā€¦  Fantasies, daydreaming, this fuels your fear even more.

The fear scenes that run through your mind can limit you

We quote an example from a past situation, a lived experience. But  what happens when you haven’t had that experience, but fear is there?  This happens more often than we realize, and the result is that we limit ourselves and end up not doing what we really want to do.

woman in front of broken mirror

For example, you intend to set up your own company, but in the scenes of fear that run through your mind, you see a scenario of failure or even public humiliation. Most likely, you will remain in your comfort zone. Although there is no real reason for this fear, you don’t take action and settle down.

For this reason, let’s suggest an exercise so that starting today these scenes of fear no longer block what you want to do, live or would like to experience. For this, it is essential to get a pen and paper and try to answer the following questions:

1. What is the worst thing that could happen to you?

Remember that fear that is present in your mind and think of the worst situation you could ever go through. Is failure the factor that limits you so much that you don’t take chances? If we take the example at the beginning of the text, where fear is the result of a bad experience, what would be the worst thing that could happen to you? The same one you’ve already overcome?

If it’s the fear of failure, look for the source of it. Maybe it’s the lack of training. If that’s right, start studying! If you don’t have financial resources, use the Internet, as there are a multitude of free courses so that you can acquire knowledge at no cost.

What happens if my fear really stems from a bad experience, for example, a robbery that I was the victim of? In that case, you could enroll in a self-defense course to feel more secure and face that fear. That way, he’ll know that even if they try to steal from him again, he’ll be able to defend himself. As you can see,  there are alternatives to allay most of our fears.

2. How likely is your fear to materialize?

In order to deconstruct the fear scenes from your mind, it is of utmost importance that you make an objective analysis of your fear . If the fear is of failure, think about the probabilities that it will. If you can count on people in your background to guide you, or if you have a plan B to resolve the situation, the chances of everything going wrong are greatly reduced.

Likewise, if you were robbed, what is the probability that it will happen again? Until this moment this had never happened; why would the odds increase now? Your perception is affected by this experience, but you can transform it.

Man leaning with his hand on his face

3. Does fear pay in any way?

This question is very important, so you need to reflect on whether the fear you feel is compensating you in any way. Remember that  fear is extremely useful for our  survival . If we are in danger, fear can help us out of this situation. However, remember the fear that is affecting you. Do you think he is helping? Let’s look at some situations in which fear only harms:

  • If you think that in the future you will regret not having done something you wanted to do, fear is not being useful.
  • If fear prevents you from living normally and this causes you sadness (isolation), it will not be fulfilling its true function either.
  • If you notice that fear is a burden on your personal growth, perhaps the time has come to face it.
  • Are the scenes of fear that run through your mind fantastic, unrealistic? If it would be impossible for them to occur, you are feeding a false or even mistaken fact.

The pros and cons of your fear

Once you have answered all of the above questions, take stock of the  pros  and  cons. Let’s imagine you want to write a book. However, he is unable to start the work. Fear of failure, humiliation and not delivering something good block you. Thus, the years go by as different scenes of fear arise in your mind. Let’s see what happens.

Pros  of writing a book Cons  of writing a book
  • I will do what I always wanted.
  • Even if it doesn’t please everyone, I will have written a book, which was my dream.
  • Criticism will make me learn.
  • It will help my personal development.
  • I will mature.
  • Whatever happens, at least I won’t regret not having done it.
  • I’m afraid no one will read it.
  • I wouldn’t be able to face failure, I would feel ashamed and humiliated.
  • I believe that writing a book is too high an expectation for me.

If we compare the two tables, we will notice something quite curious. The table of  pros invites action. However,  the table of  cons  makes reference to a series of circumstances that, in fact, paralyze us,  and that make us predict a future that hasn’t even arrived. What’s better? Predict or try?

In case it’s not obvious,  we should stick to the pros table  ,  which has twice as many points as the  cons .  Therefore, it has much more value and importance. For us, it pays much more to do what we want. So we stop putting off something that would do us good.

Enchanted florest

Throughout your life, for sure, several scenes of fear have already crossed your mind. What’s more, it’s likely that some fell apart at the moment of truth. Public speaking is not as frightening as you might have imagined in the scenes of your mind, and so are many other goals, circumstances, or even situations. Deconstructing these scenes step by step and with awareness will make you realize that there are no limits.  In fact, you just limit and block yourself, creating scenes that are just a figment of your imagination.

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