If You Don’t Wake Me Up, I Owe You This Dream

If you don't wake me up, I owe you this dream

You have the control of this dream in your hands and I only wish you would help me keep it alive, in me. For those who speak to you, you are the demiurge, the creator of this parallel universe that makes me so happy. You are true, united we are right, and this dream is sincere.

So right now I can only think how much I would like to live in it forever and never wake up. Here I have everything I could want, everything I need and more than I could ever hope for.

Thank you for composing it slowly

This dream came out of nowhere, as if it had been there for us to find it and begin to compose it. So, in this way,  the illusion was appearing before eyes full of appetite to build a future together. A future in which we both have a voice and a vote, but above all, shared expectations and bonds of union for when the fog becomes dense and for when difficulties arise.

We held hands and together we slowly raised it. With fears and taking the necessary time, you have destroyed all possible barriers. Most of all, you managed to make me believe again.


So thank you. Thank you for the slow vitality that you made to reach my days. Thank you for understanding every scar from the past and not wanting to erase it. For building with all the rubble a new home where there would always be something different. Amazing, charming.

Stay, I don’t want you to leave anymore

This dream is unique because it belongs to us, and if you ever leave, it will be meaningless. That’s why I want you to keep surprising me, to keep leaving your marks on me, to keep undressing me. Do not miss me and keep loving me for every nuance of mine that you discover. That we find out.

Stay for what I am, but – as García Márquez would say – also for what you are when you’re with me. And, above all, stay because we still have a lot to feel in this small world. Sustaining this world depends only on the two: here is a special language, a code that only you and I understand.

Although the world I speak of we have constructed naturally and effortlessly, it does not mean that inertia will accompany us forever. When you have something, when you feel part of something you value, there is always the shadow of the ghost, the fear of losing it, to a greater or lesser extent.

couple kiss

You know, missing our first plane, taking a long trip together, adopting a pet, sharing the holidays, overcoming stress and illness… In short, we have to keep thinking about the two of us, with love and without selfishness.

You are more than a dream: it’s my world

This dream was reinforced with every little detail that emerged effortlessly, just for the beautiful intention of making us feel loved. And now, it ‘s more than a dream: it’s my imperfect, free and spontaneous world that helps me grow so much.

It’s this time and place where I want to be, not only because it was made for you, but also because you made it for me. Because in this dream we look at each other and see each other, because here there is trust, companionship and self-love.

Never forget that. You are very important. It always leaves a good memory, many lessons and beautiful moments. And if you don’t wake me up, I owe you this dream.

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