We Give Everything, But Nothing Is Valued

We give everything but nothing is valued

We live in a world where customs weigh on us like obligations. Many things we do out of solidarity end up becoming an obligation.

It is not usually explicit; somehow we come to realize what others expect of us and feel obligated to do so.

The problem is that when we give everything, nothing is valued. This contrasts with what happens to people who do little; the least they do is highly valued.

We give everything but nothing is valued

The importance of valuing yourself

We often  give everything we have, but it’s still never enough. And when we fail to give them what they think they need, they accuse us of being selfish.

It is important to emphasize that these attitudes are not always based on selfishness, but on confusion and lack of skill and surrender.

No matter what, the important thing is to behave in moderation and not offer too much to others. In a way, we are the ones who set our price, so we have to be careful when giving ourselves to others.

to sail

How to show our value

If we want to be free, we must get rid of the selfishness we are subject to.  Just because someone we care about expects something from us doesn’t mean we should.

First, we have to unlearn that sacrifices make us better people. In doing so, we are neglecting or neglecting an emotional and physical part that is very important to our happiness.

When someone intentionally hurts us and demands something from us, that person doesn’t deserve to continue by our side. The time has come to stop supporting her and say goodbye. It makes us stronger.

When we look at this situation, it’s normal to feel uncomfortable or hurt. We have to stay focused to be constructive and not punish anyone, especially ourselves.


We have the right to be valued and respected

To get rid of freeloaders, it is not necessary to be aggressive, but assertive and persistent. Start small so you can communicate your needs without feeling guilty.

Speak in the first person and start the dialogue with phrases such as “There are situations in which I feel disrespected” instead of “You don’t value me”.

The other only values ​​us if we value ourselves. This helps us to reject abusive requests that do us no good, and to realize what does us good.

“Always keep in mind that you have the right to be respected and must be careful that no one steals your ability to feel your worth and accept the recognition you deserve.”

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