Personal Self-knowledge: 3 Tools To Get To Know Yourself Better

Personal self-knowledge: 3 tools for you to get to know yourself better

“Of all possible knowledge, the wisest and most useful is to know yourself” 

(William Shakespeare)

Each of us lives, day by day, our own personal dream. We may or may not be aware of each step, but they are there. Leading us like a guide.

When we talk about achieving our goals, purposes and materializing our personal desires, self-knowledge is an essential tool .

There are many who face continual changes in their personal and professional lives. Within our search for well-being and inner growth, we can rethink many things that allow us to know ourselves and guide us to what satisfies us and what we know best to do.

Knowing the goals we have and the tools to achieve them is the first step towards what we set out to do.

It’s true that talking about ourselves can sometimes be difficult. We feel that we know ourselves and that we know about ourselves, but we rarely stop to think, reflect, and write down our goals. We do not stop to analyze and be aware of the characteristics that will make it easier or more difficult to achieve the goals.

For that, it is important and necessary to objectify what we know about ourselves and about our interior as human beings.

It would be good if we valued the importance of self-knowledge for each of us and also the tools that would help us to know ourselves better.

self knowledge

These are the 3 best tools to develop selfknowledge in you simply and effectively:

– Who am I. This exercise will allow you to see who you are right now and who you want to become. I emphasize that the most important thing is to decide how you will manage to become the person you want and aspire to be. What would be your strategy for doing this?

You will carry out this task by putting on one sheet who you are, on another who you want to be, and on another how you are going to get there. It will also be interesting to complement this exercise with feedback from people you trust to see how they see and perceive you.

self knowledge

– The lifeline. This tool allows you to create a horizontal line that represents your life. On this line, you will mark a midpoint that represents now. Then start to include the different situations and experiences you have had in the past. Then you can become aware of what you consider relevant in your life.

The second part will consist of filling part of your future , pointing out your closest and most distant goals in time.

self knowledge

At the end of this life line, I invite you to reflect on what you have been living and how you intend to achieve and achieve the goals set for your future.

– Keep an emotion diary. Consciously feel emotions as treasures, as their power in us is immense. Listening to our emotions can help reveal many details about ourselves, other people or different situations. Because of this, the emotional diary is considered a technique to facilitate self-knowledge.

Being aware of your own emotional state, knowing what are the emotions that are most repeated in your daily life, or their origin, among other manifestations, can make you have greater self-knowledge at any stage of your life that you want. 

“The key to managing others effectively is learning to manage yourself first. The more you know yourself, the better you will be able to relate to others, from a position of trust, security and strength” 


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