Sometimes It’s Good That Things Don’t Go Your Way

Sometimes it's good that things don't go your way

Many of us live in a routine or existence where planning life is essential and thinking about the future is a daily task.

But I’d like to ask you this wise question: do you get distressed when something doesn’t go as planned? In situations like this, the first response our mind creates is to think that there is no solution.

Living thinking about the future and hoping that everything that happens to us is “perfect” does not give us time to stop, reflect, and understand the lessons that each situation or experience of our daily lives offers.

When things don’t work out the way you want…

So, and to free your heart and mind, it’s good that sometimes things don’t work out the way you want and want.

There are times when everything you’ve already thought about or traced out in the millimeter doesn’t happen as expected. It may be that this moment allows you to give your best, something different from usual.

woman watching a butterfly

Focusing on making your life perfect doesn’t allow you to develop the best version of yourself. You may have forgotten a long time ago that the present you live in, the now, is much more important and vital than the future you build each day.

It may also happen that the past becomes your best friend.  Thinking this way, you will inevitably see why you did things and how you did them, faced with countless other options. At times like this, I like to tell myself that everything happens for a reason.

If you do different things, you’ll discover different things

Life shows us, every minute, every second and every breath, a vital teaching that is precious and full of wisdom.

Something that, if you don’t act differently and dare to get out of your routine or, better said, your comfort zone, you will never allow yourself to discover.

People around me feel that life is hard, but what about you? What does your person think about it?

Life sincerely challenges us simply by putting us in different situations, as if it were a prism of precious crystals, to put us to the test.


Your only mission is to observe each facet, its own facets, full of bright colors and sparks. Each one with immense potential and talent, who will know how to solve the experience in question in a different way than usual.

Taking that into account, I invite you not to get too upset when something doesn’t go the way you thought or wanted. It may be that it is fortunate that it happened that way, it may be that you need to learn something first, or do it in a different way.

You can apply this to any facet of your life, not just when you think about the future and plan for it. Remember that life is about learning from every detail, slowly and steadily.

Grieving at times when your actions and experiences do not go as you intended will only prevent you from realizing that something better will come as a gift to you.

Being in the here and now will help you choose the facet of the prism that you prefer, the one that best suits the moment and makes you what your best version really is.

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