It’s Time For You To Take Your Life Back

The time has come for you to take back your life

Surely you’ve noticed, over the years and maturity, that we live in a society where we are made to believe that our mistakes are just something negative, without function, meaning, and positive learning.

All of this, in addition to being unhealthy, pushes us to feel even greater guilt every time we make mistakes in our daily lives.


Your personal flaws and those characteristics of your self that do not allow you to feel satisfied with yourself are the steps that will allow you to change your life.

Why? They are part of the small tips whose overcoming and conquest allow us to move forward, and thus remake our lives. What prize will you get from all this? The gift of knowing how to positively face any obstacle that gets in your way.

Over time, I’ve learned that in our personal development there is a before and an after.

Before implies all that you were before: how you were before you made the mistakes that currently condition and torment you.  And the after encompasses the person who lives inside him and each day feels guilty for having previously failed with these mistakes. And because of this, consequently, blocked and practically hopeless to live.

If you take a few minutes to reflect on the person you were before taking the wrong steps, you can question what limited you at the time and discover what gave rise to the barriers you may feel in the present. Those walls that don’t let you advance, improve, and do your best as a person.

As you find the value of the story of your life, you will notice a precious detail: your own heart ardently begs you to resume your life, your personal existence.

It sends you the message that the time has come to return to the person you were and remain: dreamy, without barriers or limits. Return to your brilliant self, a person who creates what is most beautiful in life. Whatever your soul asks for…

If you get it wrong, nothing happens. It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes or mistakes. It doesn’t matter if you make a mistake either.

Always remember that in this life everything that is negative has an immense positive side, a learning much stronger than the consequences of such mistakes. Being aware of having failed and overcoming that bitter side hurts, but it makes you so much stronger.

But for what?  So that you can be aware of your own limits as a human being. Realize that you are only one in the world because you are not alone and need to share, listen and develop empathy with those who accompany you.

Only with this experience will you be able to experience the opposite side of light and overcome it with its immense brightness and color.

Because you need to prove yourself to yourself, dare to rise above misfortune. Understanding this learning from the bitter side of mistakes will be part of your experience.

Imagine an unchanging energy that only wants the best in you, even in the worst of times. Understanding this will allow you to make peace with it and gain the power to transform anything you believe in to the most wonderful thing.

You will come to a place where you do not allow yourself to be harmed and where decisions, your own decisions, come from your heart. No personal judgments, no confronted emotions.

The time has come to dare to take back your life from your deepest and most inner self. From the best wish: to be yourself and feel complete and at peace with the person you are and always will be.

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