3 Things That End Love In A Relationship

3 things that end love in a relationship

The love between a couple remains something very mysterious, even though it has been studied by so many scientists and analyzed by so many philosophers. After all, what are the things that end love? In which cases is it impossible to maintain the relationship?

Despite the mystery, today there is more clarity about the reasons why it happens. Equally important, today there is also more knowledge about which factors end love in a love relationship.

Couples today live in a much more unstable time than couples in the past did. This has a good side and a bad side. The greatest freedom to create and undo the bonds that unite a man and a woman is an achievement against the hypocrisy and fatalism that previously reigned. At the same time, the ability to assume and overcome conflicts has been greatly reduced, to a minimum. The result is that loneliness entered the scene, even wanting to play the leading role.

The ideal is to be able to build a lasting relationship, one that knows how to go little by little, abandoning the vanities of the early days, so that the couple can move forward together, forming a solid bond. Therefore, it is necessary to examine these factors that can end a love relationship, so that we can intervene effectively before it actually comes to an end and there is no possibility of a return.

Things that end love without realizing it

1. The lack of communication

Having good communication with your partner isn’t always about having new topics to talk about, or being able to chat for hours on end. In fact, it’s much more important than that, and even simpler. Just say respectfully what we’re feeling.

Bad communication, on the contrary, presupposes a much more complicated relationship. Lying, keeping something for yourself or mistreating the other is always worse for everyone. It requires more physical energy and more emotional and intellectual effort.

couple having friendly discussion

One of the things that kills love in a relationship is adopting false communication patterns. We’re talking about conversations where we want to say something but say something else. Or those moments when we express something with words, but our body expression says something else, as does our gestures and tone of voice. These communication patterns are actually intended to manipulate, not communicate, even if this is unconscious.

Conversation in a love relationship is critical. The wounds caused by what we say often never close. To prevent bad communication from being one of the factors that will cause the love in your relationship to end, the first thing you must do is to cultivate healthy communication with yourself, so that you can communicate with each other. Understand what you feel, what you want and how you can express it.

2. The monotony

The theme of monotony can be misleading. Life, whether alone or living with someone, includes moments of boredom, includes a routine. Often none of this is interesting. However, no one, or almost no one, can live all the time as if they are on a rollercoaster or going through a wonderful adventure. Boredom exists. Nobody can escape it all the time, however interesting its existence.

That said, we also have to say that we often end up immersed in circumstances that leave us visibly stagnant. This leads to routines that become overwhelming, that seem to leave no way out for us to escape. In an imperceptible way, life becomes an eternal repetition of the same thing. There is no place for the new or for change.

That’s the kind of monotony we’re talking about when we say that monotony can end a love relationship. Routine can make a couple insensitive to each other. This makes the feelings go to sleep first, but it also makes them less so later. In these cases the probability of breaking up increases a lot, as well as the probability of looking for or starting a parallel relationship.

couple in crisis

3. The end of passion or idealization

This isn’t one of the things that kills love, at least not alone, but we’re talking about a crux of a relationship that can lead to a breakup. At this critical moment, the members of the couple must negotiate with each other and adapt so that living together does not become a factor in the erosion of the bond.

Passion is a phase in which we fall prey to unusual enthusiasm and idealize the other. We totally lost our critical sense due to the intensity of the feeling. We don’t see reality as it is, but from a kaleidoscope that makes everything wonderful to our eyes. We are talking about idealization, the love for an image that looks like the other, but that does not always correspond to reality.

After a time, which can be more or less brief, this distortion usually disappears. That’s when, if all goes well, affection and complicity become the knot of bond that is a relationship. On the other hand, this is also a moment of many endings, since on many occasions the disillusionment to see reality as it is is so great that the other goes from being perfect and flawless to the most insufferable person of all times. . That’s why the relationship grows stronger or breaks down.

The things that end love in a love relationship are not just those listed here. However, these examples are the most recurrent. It pays to reflect on them, and act in time to bring a higher quality to your relationship and cultivate stable and healthy bonds and bonds.

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