Life Is A Breath And We Need To Know How To Live It

Life is a breath and we need to know how to live it

Life is a divine breath, nothing must be absent. Expose your soul, just as a traveler takes only what he needs in his backpack, without going overboard. Show your true face, for just as there will be those who harass you, for your soul there will be those who recognize you. And in this beautiful dance, sculpted by the artifacts of reality, we will follow fortuitous without allowing ourselves the unreasonable art of disillusionment.

Masking the essence, dispelling the dark clouds, escaping from neglect and missteps tangled by time, are rotations that ensure that we live under the hidden umbrellas of this insidious moment. However, is this really possible? Will we be able to hide from the sun’s rays all the time?

We know they will be there at noon, so it is also known that we can avoid them at that time if we wish to prevent the burns that would possibly leave us in high temperatures. Knowing this, it is important that we know how to ponder and evaluate at what time we can take a profitable sunbath that will only bring us benefits.

Life is a blow. How are you living?

The facts mentioned at the beginning of the text, such as masking the essence, dispelling the dark clouds, and running away from the missteps of that time, are things that we can do in some cases, while in others, we know that this will not be recommended.

What is most valuable in us is what we keep within each demand that lubricates the webs of our integrity.

Our inner “fortune” is something of immeasurable wealth. We can’t just let it go, putting something that is of singular importance to both me and you to the sidelines.

Sometimes we do this simply to protect ourselves from the outside world, as if it were possible to hide what is behind the shadows of our eyes. It’s all there, wide open for anyone with a keen eye and a little longer. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, so putting curtains will only bring us annoyances. But after all, what are we afraid of? Are we afraid of being discovered in our inner grace? Believe that beauty is essential for your “tico and teco” to work properly. Would it be relevant to reflect on what, after all, would be this beauty that so insists on putting us at the table?

A good analysis of this theorem tells us that the beautiful would be everything that does not harm us and that does not rob us of ourselves. Beauty is important for our reference to be demonstrated to the opportune external world. Let’s be transparent, let’s be kind, and let’s be receptive. By hiding our shadow, let us know that we will not make ourselves more interesting, on the contrary, it is by demonstrating our weaknesses that we will show ourselves unbeatable in front of others.

Man with balloon in place of the head

We all have something ugly to hide

We all have, in our personality, something that one day we are ashamed to make itself visible in the face of other combativities. Let us know how to dispel the cloudy clouds so that we can see more clearly. However, staying in this environment will only bring us constant headaches.

It is wise to know how to separate the wheat from the chaff. It is wise to know that behind every dark cloud, the sun will be there, waiting to return resplendently for all of us.

Through the annoyance of remaining hidden in umbrellas that would still choose to burn our skin, it is important that we know how to protect ourselves in other ways as well. And then you ask me, what forms would these be? It’s simple. We must know that it is necessary to use filters and sunscreens, and to wear proper clothing in all seasons.

In the cold the skin burns, in the heat the mouth dries out, in mild temperatures we can feel a little more protected. That’s life. It is made of storms, blazing suns, and freezing cold.

Person watching leaves flying from tree

It is essential that we know how to prepare ourselves well for all the seasons that our garments will shelter. But never shy away from life, come rain or shine, it is essential that you contribute in some way to the social spheres in which we are inserted, placing the value that will only make us prevail and survive in the face of any arbitrariness that often catches us from way, insisting on endlessly tripping us.

The sun is the compass, the sky is the measure of happiness, when everything in us seems to collapse. Know that when you are looking for so-and-so, you are looking for sun, rain, or a beautiful storm. Know to preserve if necessary. Beware, cultivate the resplendent love that vibrates latent within your heart. People are heaven or hell, wisdom or stupidity, intelligence or lack of insight.

Stay away from what is bad for you, so you will be properly protected. Life will always defend you, because the divine that dwells in you is always stronger. We must guard through the art of cultivating temperance that will bring the universe that makes up the intimacy of the harmonious moon that plays with all the heavens. Poetry vibrates the comforting universe that shelters the interior of each one of us.

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