The Smallest Action Is Better Than The Greatest Intention

The smallest action is better than the biggest intention

We forget the greatness of the smallest acts and, on some occasions, we value too much the words that convey the great intentions to us. Thinking and acting are not the same thing, let alone talking and doing. No matter how insignificant an action, it will always have more value than what is left in the air.

We are not aware of the value of everyday deeds, neither of others nor of our own. It is with these small details and grains of sand that we can build true smiles, generate intense emotions and start building our dreams.

Words that are not followed by deeds are worthless

Words are a powerful resource for those who know how to use them. Thanks to them negotiations are closed, relationships begin and promises are created. But it is one thing to send a message or an intention and quite another to turn it all into reality through actions.


Creating expectations of others or of ourselves can lead to frustration, disappointment, or anger. Of course we are free to say what we want, but we must not forget that the fish dies by mouth. If we are not going to comply with what we say, it is better to remain silent. What is the use of creating illusions in others and in yourself?

We must also not forget that words are a weapon of mass destruction in the mouths of manipulative people. Letting yourself go by what others say is a double-edged sword that can sometimes trap you in a spider’s web.

Your actions define you more than your words

Most of us often talk more than necessary, making promises that we will end up not keeping. This is not to say that there are no good intentions behind our words, but it is also important to reshape the value others place on what we say to them.

For you, it may be a socially acceptable comment for a time that never comes or that you really think you’ll stick to it, but perhaps for the other person your message is invaluable. The point is that we will be remembered for what we did, not what we said.


Your behaviors define you to some degree and it’s the little details that make the difference. For this reason,  the smallest gesture has more power than the prettiest words and the most limitless intentions. Because, who do you value more, someone who tells you what you want or someone who actually demonstrates something?

In the end, a person leaves his mark made up of his deeds. Action is the lasting mark of each one of us.

Facts don’t cease to exist just because they are ignored

Words fly, fall apart and disappear and can even be deformed. But a fact will always mark the moment it occurred, no matter how hard someone tries to ignore it. A feat can never be deformed, only what is told about it can change, and these are words…


The question is: do we value the actions that others take towards us and the actions we take towards ourselves? I’m sure not, and that we sometimes get carried away by words. But remember that an action demonstrates, a word only sends a message that may or may not come to pass.

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