Living In A Hurry Keeps Us From “living”

Living in a hurry prevents us from "living"

Living thinking about the next moment, living connected to the “I have to”, or to the “I must do”, living disconnected from yourself or everything that surrounds you. Stop, watch, feel, you are here now, enjoy. The legend of Agoras tells that humans walked and lived with birds called ” Agora ” for many times . They remained with them day by day with their song in their heads and their feathers in their bodies.

Every time humans saw a beautiful landscape, talked to someone or felt something special, the Now slapped them on the head and sang, so people became aware of that moment and kept the memory. They enjoyed the gift and were happy.

The Nows fed on the emotions that those moments caused and managed to make the humans, who accompanied them, live more intense lives despite not having high resolution screens and a lot of colors. Thus, a day came when something changed and people began to live with other birds, one with black feathers (the before) and the other with white feathers (the after).

Little by little the birds now lost their song and their whispers until they were left without their voices. The moments of conscience were lost. But the legend does not end here, even if the Nows no longer fly around us or their song has lost strength, they continue to live in each one of us, hoping that we are aware in every moment we feel and enjoy.

woman with eyes closed

the rush was never good

We live from one side to the other, marked by schedules, obligations, meetings, the children have their agendas full of activities and that’s when the famous phrase we’ve all heard: “I don’t have time” appears. Life is made for you, and you have to go after what it gives you. It is true that it often gives us surprises, but there are more occasions when we find what we were looking for.

So, if I can’t change my schedule, I have to change my way of looking at this schedule. Be aware of my inner Now so that I can be in every place I am, connecting with my mind and body, and not rushing or thinking about the next one.

That the “bird of the after” or the “whispers of the past” cannot erase the voice of our immediate conscience. Let’s make an effort to bring this corner of the Now to our minds and appreciate what we have in each moment. Think that the more we nurture its influence, the more it will be with us.

Live and connect with the present moment

Each day is a new beginning and gives us the opportunity to live another present moment, to keep the yesterday, to let ourselves be surprised by the after and to feed on the now. Recording memories in memory requires living them and being emotional about them. If I feel here and now, I will be creating the situation to be able to create a good brand on myself and that I will be able to access later.

girl with eyes closed with butterflies

If, on the contrary, I live in a hurry, without stopping and without feeling at every moment, I do not give the opportunity to see and observe where I am, how I feel, what are the sounds around me at this moment, why I smiled or why I felt butterflies in the stomach, and most importantly, if I am where I want to be.

I connect, stop and feel. I enjoy life and get emotional. I laugh and record it in my memory. I can isolate myself from the outside and live this exact moment. Now yes, I can continue with the others. Living close to the now that makes us enjoy every moment, time does not exist without me, I am the one who gives meaning to time and I do mine. If we manage to be aware of ourselves in each moment, we will be able to enjoy each second to the fullest.

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