The 9 Subtypes Of Psychopaths According To Theodore Millon

Do you want to know how many subtypes of psychopaths there are? Theodore Millon made a very interesting rating. Check out!

Theodore Millon was an American psychologist who stood out for his studies on personality. He has written over 30 books and over 200 scientific articles. Its classification of personality disorders is known worldwide and has influenced the most important diagnostic manuals. Among the themes he worked on were subtypes of psychopaths.

Personality disorders were not mental illnesses for Millon, but styles of behavior, cognition and emotions that generated a certain inflexibility and difficulty in managing everyday situations, especially stressful ones. Furthermore, according to the author, such conditions promote vicious circles with regard to personal functioning.

Among all his research, today we’ll highlight the one he’s done on subtypes of psychopaths. Nevertheless, it is worth clarifying that the subtypes are not mutually exclusive. In fact, it’s often quite normal to share traits of various types. Let’s see below.

Subtypes of Psychopaths: The Principled Psychopath

This psychopathic personality type is related to narcissistic traits. These are people who tend to successfully stay outside the limits of the law, being indifferent to the well-being of others. In fact, they don’t experience remorse when manipulating or exploiting the people around them.

They exhibit an arrogant self-assessment, a fraudulent social style, and don’t usually treat each other. In addition, they tend to dictate the pace of relationships, so that once the desired benefit is achieved, maintaining the relationship no longer interests them.

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the sneaky psychopath

His behavior is characterized by a sociable and pleasant appearance that, deep down, hides impulsive tendencies, aggressiveness and lack of confidence. They are also deeply resentful and are in a bad mood towards their family members and those close to them.

However, they tend to seek attention persistently and are attracted to experiences that provide intense sensations. They tend to show seductive behavior and maintain superficial and fluctuating relationships.

The sneaky psychopath has characteristics similar to the histrionic personality. He’s usually an irresponsible person who doesn’t deliver on what he promises. Displays enthusiasm, but short-lived, and immature sensation-seeking behaviors.

The risk-taking psychopath

Among the subtypes of psychopaths, we also find the risk taker. This type is often involved in risky situations. He does it to feel alive and motivated more than to gain advantage or prestige.

According to Theodore Millon, many of them respond impulsively and without thinking. They are reckless and insensitive people about situations in which other people feel in danger or fear. They can also be described as antisocial or histrionic.

the greedy psychopath

Greedy psychopaths feel that life has not given them everything they deserve, and that their rights have been curtailed. They believe that others get more than they do, that they never had the opportunity to have a good life.

These people are motivated by a desire to make up for whatever was taken from them. Through delinquent acts, they compensate themselves for the emptiness of their lives. They don’t feel guilty or care about the transgressions they commit in society.

the weak psychopath

Another of the subtypes of psychopaths is the weak psychopath. It is a deeply insecure profile, even cowardly. The fact that these people attack others represents a paradoxical response to the fact that they feel fear and feel that they are in danger. In this way, they try not to show that they are distressed, nor that they are weak. They show that they will not give in to outside threats or pressure of any kind. Furthermore, they have dependent and avoidant traits.

the explosive psychopath

This type of psychopath could be the opposite of the weak or frail type. It is distinguished by the sudden and unpredictable emergence of hostility. His “attacks” are characterized by an uncontrollable fury and attack on others, including members of his own family.

The explosive psychopath bursts suddenly and precipitously. There is no time to predict or contain it. When they feel frustrated and threatened, they respond in a volatile and harmful way. As when they were children, their tantrums are instantaneous reactions to facing frustration and fear.

man punching the wall

the rough psychopath

The gruff psychopath shows his rejection in a confrontational and argumentative way. Everything and everyone is a reason for him to fight. Everything is a good excuse to vent your irritation on an external target.

This psychopath profile has endless disagreements with others. They increase even the slightest action to live in a constant and bitter struggle with others. They have little regret and awareness of the discomfort they generate for others.

the malevolent psychopath

Another subtype of psychopath is the malevolent. These are particularly vindictive and hostile. Their impulses are discharged in an evil and destructive challenge to conventional social life.

By distrusting others and anticipating betrayals and punishments, they acquire a cold cruelty and an intense desire to obtain revenge for alleged abuse suffered in childhood. They adopt an attitude of resentment and a propensity to seek fights and bring down the people they want to destroy.

the tyrant psychopath

Along with the malevolent psychopath, the tyrant is one of the most menacing and cruel of all subtypes of psychopaths. Both relate to other people in an intimate, aggressive, and dominant way.

They often show themselves accusing and abusive. They are almost always invariably destructive. Unlike the malevolent subtype, the tyrant is aroused by resistance or weakness, which increase the attack rather than softening or stopping it.

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