6 Tips To Stop Complicating Your Life

6 tips to stop complicating your life

Why do we look for problems where they don’t exist? Why, moreover, do we often carry the problems of others? And on top of that, why when a problem does arise, we get scared and try to avoid it?

People are complicated, some more than others.

Inside each one of us we carry a backpack that weighs the memories, experiences, education we received. Often, over time, they hurt us and create problems where they don’t need to exist.


But, besides that, the most curious thing of all is that when a real problem comes, we tend to avoid it, we run away from it, we feel scared.

I don’t do more than go back to the same subject…” ,  “What will others think when they see that I didn’t want to…?”, “I feel alone, I feel so lonely and I think about it all the time”, “ I have to stay in line, I’m not eating this piece of chocolate cake!”.

Do you identify with any of these phrases? These and many others fill our heads without realizing it.

Little by little,  thoughts do not let us live, they go round and round in our head, hammering… We start to enter a spiral in which we live more for our mind than for our real life.

But everything can change if we want… Because we can train our mind little by little, just as we train our muscles.

It’s time to stop complicating our lives by bullshit!

Do you stop complicating life? Although it takes an effort, you can change this behavior.

Here we leave some advice for that:

1. Give things the right importance

Worry when it’s really necessary. Stop giving importance to things that don’t really matter!

Don’t worry more than necessary. Unfortunately, problems and difficulties are not usually resolved when we think about them more…

2. Forgive yourself and forgive others

We often feel guilty about something we’ve done to someone and we don’t stop brooding about it or we don’t forgive the mistake someone made.

Not forgiving keeps us stagnant and doesn’t allow us to move forward, but forgiving frees us.

Forgive, forgive yourself and turn the page.

3. Disconnect yourself from worries

Start now to learn that when the work is done, it must come out of your thoughts.

If you come home from a hospital to visit a dear family member, if a friend has been telling you about a problem, or when you come home after a day at work, don’t keep dwelling on the matter.

You need to relax your mind and release it from everyday stress and worries.

Be happy

4. Clarify your differences with others

If you have problems with someone, if you’ve had a misunderstanding and you can’t stop thinking about it, it’s best to talk to that person.

Clarify your differences and you will take a load off your back. It is also important to accept others as they are and choose as friends the people who make you feel good.

Remember that we are no one to impose our vision on others, let alone demand that they be a certain way .

5. Adopt Headboard Phrases

Start thinking of phrases like “Charity starts with ourselves”, “I can’t always be worried about things that aren’t worth it”, “Life is too short to waste time on what doesn’t matter”.

Look for the ones that are most in tune with you and repeat them within you frequently

6. Recognize your mistakes without being tormented 

We all make mistakes, it’s okay to admit it. You too. Learn from your mistakes and continue on the path.

Remember, life is a game. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. But as much fun as winning, many times it’s also losing… as we learn and grow stronger to keep walking.

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