Fun Facts About Motherhood

Curiosities about motherhood remind us how special all mothers are. In most cases, her ability to host life and keep up with her children is touching and wonderful.
Curiosities about motherhood

There are several curiosities about motherhood that speak of the enormous dedication that a woman needs to be a mother and the multiple joys that are implicit in this condition, which lasts a lifetime.

As a rule, mothers play a very important role in our childhood. Although they are not perfect because no one else is, they are almost always the symbol of perfect love for your children. They accompany them and serve as a reference for the rest of their lives. Next, we will see some curiosities about motherhood that talk about the greatness of mothers.

baby sleeping on mother's lap

Curiosities about maternity and pregnancy

Science has established that, during pregnancy, there is a migration of cells from the fetus to the mother’s body. This is one of the curiosities about motherhood for which science finds no reason. The truth is that  several cells from the fetus end up installed in the mother’s heart. This phenomenon is called “fetal microchimerism”.

Another curiosity about motherhood during pregnancy is that the pregnant woman’s brain undergoes important changes. One of the most prominent is the transformation in areas related to empathy. This is maintained until two years later.

Other fun facts are that most mothers gain about 13 pounds during pregnancy. One in 32 has a chance of having twins. And one in 532 women gives birth to triplets. Vassilyev is the name of the Russian mother who has the record for the most children: 69.

mothers are special

There are several curiosities about motherhood in the first years of life of children. For starters,  from the time of birth until the child is 1 year old, a mother changes about 7,300 diapers and washes about 5,000 clothes. It is estimated that they look closely at their children about 320 times a day.

Mothers with young children are the most active on social media, according to a study published in  Science Daily . This means that more than half of the purchases made online, associated with mothers and their children, are based on recommendations from mothers with influence in the networks.

In most languages ​​of the world, the word “mother” starts with the letter “m”. Apparently, this letter is easier to pronounce for almost all babies. Many mothers think that when their children grow up, they have no influence over them. This is not true. Teenagers tend to relate to others the way their mother does.

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is celebrated almost all over the world and is the third most popular holiday on the planet. Only Christmas and Easter surpass it. This holiday began to be celebrated in 1872, at the initiative of the pacifist and writer Julia Ward Howe, in the United States.

Most children in the world celebrate Mother’s Day by giving flowers and cards. Many take breakfast in bed. However, many mothers especially value the little gifts that children make with their own hands, and also those that involve spending time together, such as a trip or a walk.

Another curiosity is that the countries where the word “mom” or “mother” is most searched on Google, especially on Mother’s Day, are Mexico, Chile and Peru. They look for songs and poems to honor their mothers.

mother with her children in park

Curiosities about motherhood in the animal world

Curiosities about motherhood are not limited to the human world. Animal mothers have theirs too. For example, the most “advanced” are the same ones that supposedly bring babies: the storks. In this species, the mother and father take care of the young equally.

Elephant mothers breastfeed their young for up to five years. These animals have a very collective functioning and that is why the young elephants take turns caring for the young ones. It’s a way to help the elephant mother and prepare for motherhood.

Another curiosity about motherhood in animals occurs in relation to orcas. They can breastfeed their puppies for up to 15 years. The older ones help the younger ones in childbirth. Gazelles hide their young as they go out to distract their predators.

Curiosities about motherhood remind us of those feelings of tenderness and protection that are present in mothers of all species. Every living being depends on them to live, grow and become strong. That’s why they are wonderful beings who deserve our honor.

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