Can We Change Our Personality?

Can we change our personality?

We believe that we “are” a certain way from birth and that it is impossible to change that. However, we have the ability to generate certain changes in our personality and thus become better people or have healthier relationships. It’s just a matter of committing to yourself.

The very language we use is complicit in this perception of immutability. The verb “to be” acts as a condemnation, because “to be” seems like something that cannot be changed; but our personality can be defined in many ways and can be improved over time.

Personality is forged over time

Contrary to what we consider, personality is not something static and immobile, but can be shaped by external stimuli and everything that happens around us. From the moment we are born, we are incorporating habits, experiences and even traumas that shape our character.

The truth is that over the years our attitudes tend to be the same, or very similar. In this way, we ended up believing that the personality was “branded in fire” as if it were a tattoo. It will never change.

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The good news is that we have the ability to change the traits we don’t like and improve the relationship we have with ourselves and others. Although it is simpler to “switch the pieces” of personality when we are children or teenagers, we can also obtain positive results in adult life.

Even if you believe that “your age” is impossible to change, we recommend that you think twice before believing this statement. Maybe the changes aren’t as radical or tangible, but there will always be changes, that’s for sure. These small changes in our character can be the ones that help us live happier and better as people.

Small personality changes bring us happiness

There is no need to suffer a serious personality disorder to seek therapy and begin to change our attitudes towards everything around us. Changes are positive and necessary; we cannot always stay in the same position. Remember the phrase “Be like the river that flows and does not stand still” and apply this teaching in your daily life.

Were you the same person 2, 5 or 10 years ago? And we’re not talking about height, weight or experience, or completed studies or achievements. Certainly what you liked in your youth is not what you like today, or vice versa. So why do we cling to the idea that personality cannot change?

Have you ever wondered, can I change my personality? Perhaps it is your way of acting or being that is ruining your relationships with others or with yourself. The first step to improve has already been taken. Congratulations! Now begins the phase of asking for help and following advice that you probably won’t like, but will ultimately help you achieve your goals.

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Most people in the same situation as you want to change a specific trait in your personality. We’re not saying you should become a completely different person than you are, but you need to improve on the aspects that aren’t entirely positive.

Perhaps your loved ones have made you realize that you are a little selfish, easily distracted, that you cannot make good decisions, or that you are too late. Looks like you’ll have a lot of work!

Take the first step to change your personality

Any changes you want to make to your personality will take time and effort. It is not an issue that can be resolved immediately, nor is it about getting up tomorrow and being a completely different person, but of walking a difficult path, with many obstacles to overcome and situations that will put you to the test.

Be patient, lean on the people you love, be persistent and, above all, trust your abilities. This is critical in a task that can be very complicated, which will bring a lot of tears, anger and disappointments. But you have already started on a path to transformation, overcoming and transcendence.

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