7 Aspects For Resilient Brain Development In Children

7 aspects for resilient brain development in children

Developing a resilient brain in children is a goal that, if achieved, has enormous value. We know that our little ones are capable of extraordinary things. However, what we most want is for them to be happy. For this, nothing better than teaching them to manage resources that allow them to face daily challenges, those that can arise at any time.

Few words are so fashionable. We see the term “resilience” almost everywhere, in every self-help book, in every personal development manual. Furthermore, we also know that the idea it represents is not new, although we have only begun to study its effect more rigorously now.

Viktor Frankl has already laid his groundwork through several books. He did this by teaching us, for example, how certain people manage to cope with adversity thanks to their inner strengths, armor, purposes and approaches.

So if these resources are so encouraging, why not pass them on to children? Doing so will mean more than giving them simple techniques to better handle the challenges they may encounter. In reality, resilience builds in them, as in us, a new mindset. It forms stronger brains, with greater resistance to stress and better executive functions.

The effort is worth it. Developing a resilient brain in children is possible if we follow these strategies.

the resilient brain

The need to “train” a resilient brain

When we face adversity, what our brain experiences is stress, it’s emotional anguish. So this kind of response starts and develops in a very specific place: in the cerebral amygdala.

This structure is responsible for our fear-associated responses, and it’s also the one that sends messages to the brain to release adrenaline and cortisol as quickly as possible. “ We must react, we must flee as quickly as possible from this threatening stimulus !”, she tells us.

Now, when the amygdala, that sentinel of fear, takes over, something very characteristic happens: the prefrontal cortex loses functionality. That is, our ability to objectively analyze the situation or reflect on the problem is completely reduced. We let ourselves be carried away by emotional sequestration in the grip of fear without being able to see any way out, without having that inner calm with which to build an escape route.

If we were able to train children to have a more resilient brain, this would not happen. At least not so often. Because resilience basically involves calming the amygdala to activate the prefrontal cortex. Reduce stress to develop a more open, reflective and strong mindset. Let’s see how to get it.

1. Strong bonds and healthy attachment: be the best reference for the child

It is possible that many people think that when it comes to raising more resilient children, nothing can be better than teaching them to be autonomous and independent. Well, actually, more than self-reliance, what’s critical to developing a resilient brain is emotional connection.

Children need a healthy and strong attachment. They need people of reference who offer them love, security and protection. All of this shapes a brain that doesn’t experience fear or stress. Because a strong brain that has not had early experiences with insecurity or fear is a brain that, in the long run, will face life’s problems more resolutely. The absence of these traits determines a stronger, more flexible and receptive mind.

2. Train executive functions

We pointed to this in the beginning. Our goal is to calm the amygdala (the fear) and train the prefrontal cortex (the executive functions). In this way, we will provide resources for the child to be able to solve problems, focus attention and be creative when challenges, whether big or small, occur. All of this will prevent you from getting stuck in fear, in anguish.

These are the strategies to develop executive functions in children:

  • Establish routines.
  • Model healthy social behaviors.
  • Encourage social connection with trusted people.
  • Opportunities to establish your own connections with your peers (camps, sports…).
  • Creative games.
  • Memory games.
  • Opportunities for them to make their own decisions.
child listening to a shell in front of the sea

3. Practice mindfulness

Another great way to develop a resilient brain in children is mindfulness. Being able to connect with the here and now in a relaxed way improves brain connection, relieves stress and, in turn, enhances executive functions. If we introduce this practice into their lives early on, we will see great benefits.

4. Convey to children the idea that they are competent and capable

A child must perceive themselves as competent in their daily lives. As someone able to learn from their mistakes to improve, someone who can overcome each day to deal with new skills and abilities. That feeling, that of having our support and recognition, will allow her to make better decisions little by little.

5. Convey Optimism to Develop a Resilient Brain in Children

Realistic optimism can be a big help to them. We must show them that any reality that might contain problematic nuances can be raised in terms of self-improvement. Herein lies its true value.

child having an idea

6. Facing fears with support: asking for help is good

To develop a resilient brain in children, it is necessary to help them manage negative emotions such as fear. The first thing we can give you is an idea: asking for help is also recommended, necessary. Furthermore, those who ask for help are brave enough to recognize their vulnerability, their needs, and create deeper relationships.

Helping others and allowing them to be helped is a dynamic that children must establish early in their lives. In this way, the fears will become smaller, and they will lose power over them until they disappear.

7. Learn to build a “problem box”

This suggestion is both fun and useful. From the age of 5, children are able to learn to solve simple problems.

If we give them a “problem kit” for their daily lives and show them how to use it, we will be helping them to mature. As they grow, they will be the only ones to improve the use of these tools and those that adapt them to their circumstances.

Thus, this problem solving box can be filled with the following strategies.

What to do when something worries me:

  • Consult mom and dad.
  • Ask for help or advice from someone you trust.
  • If you’ve had this problem before, think about how I solved it. Can I do better now?
  • Understand that every problem, no matter how big, can be broken down into smaller parts to be solved.
child using their imagination

Finally, training, shaping and nurturing a resilient brain in children requires an education based on secure attachment which, in turn, provides a solid foundation in terms of coping and problem-solving strategies.

We speak of a type of active and creative education, where the adult serves as a reference. Something like this determines a great responsibility on our part: we refer to an adventure that will always be worth it.

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