When You Least Expect It, Good Things Arrive

When you least expect it, good things arrive

Suddenly, and without knowing very well how, the entire universe seems to use its artisan fingers to bring you what you expected, what you undoubtedly deserve and that your own hope had given up for lost.

Why not? Some call it luck, others fate, others speak of the law of attraction, but in truth… who can deny that your effort, dedication and will have woven your own rope so that, at the end of it, you would find what you expected?

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t believe that “ good things come unexpectedly, if we know how to expect them ”, it’s worth reflecting with us on these simple aspects. Magic, luck, and the beautiful things in life are around many of our corners. You just have to turn them around, know how to walk the path with an open mind and an open heart.

Luck and the arrival of good things are due to one aspect: believing in you

Simple as that: good things and the anchor of luck only arrive at the port of those who are able to believe in themselves to enable certain situations to happen.

So that, finally, that which we so yearn for comes into our lives, it is not just a wish that is needed. We must think; thought nurtures emotion and willpower, and then self-confidence acts as an authentic key to change.


As you can see, there is very little magic in these concepts. Nor is it an idea taken by force from self-help manuals who can sell an empty slogan.

Belief in ourselves moves mountains and is our authentic life force. Do you have it? We invite everyone to put these simple tips into practice to allow good things to come into your life.

Get out of the rut, facilitate small everyday changes

We know that you spend a lot of hours away from home in a work schedule, and that the days demand more obligations than pleasures.

  • We can continue to meet our schedules, but focus on this obligation in a different way.
  • Allow yourself something every day, no matter how small: have a coffee in a new place, buy a small gift for someone you love when you leave work, return home by another route.
  • Any change in routine is a stimulus to our brain. A stimulus is positive reinforcement, and a positive reinforcement provokes emotion. This is already a change, it’s another way of looking at everyday life.

Light your illusion on a daily basis so that no one can erase it

Those who stop dreaming die little by little, so close your eyes and open your mind. Allow yourself to dream of what you want, free yourself a little each day and feel more and more free.

Each illusion turns on an engine inside us until, little by little, “the wings grow”. Every illusion will turn into purpose and purpose into will.

Never forget that around you there will be some expert in consuming dreams and desires.

They are people who fill us with clouds loaded with their words “ this is not for you” , “your obligations are different”,this is nonsense and ways to waste time ”… Don’t allow it, don’t listen to them.

curious child

Who can change their thoughts can change their destiny

Good things can come by a purely casual act; everything is possible. However, they will always be more likely to happen if we do our part, if we allow it to happen, being authentic artisans of these dreamed aspects.

We are aware that it is not easy to vary the focus of our thoughts:

  • Thoughts are shaped by our previous experiences, by past memories, by learning gained from failures that we do not want to repeat.
  • Many of our thoughts are limited by indecision, beliefs that we grew up with or that were passed on to us by others.
  • We think that change is not good, that it only brings dangerous things and that it is better to “keep where we are” in our comfort zone.

These are all examples of limiting thoughts that need cognitive restructuring. And how do we do this? How do we vary these approaches that inhabit our minds?

Think you deserve it. Think that the time has come to prioritize yourself, to be the protagonist of your life, and not just a supporting actor in the shadow of others. Dream every day and make small changes. Or big changes. Good things come for those who know how to wait. Do not doubt.

Images courtesy of Mariana Kalacheva and Pascal Campion.

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