How To Simplify The Present With Three Questions

How to simplify the present with three questions

“Seize the present moment” is an overused expression, but one that we apply less than we should. Living in the here and now and simplifying the present means reflecting on our existence, both personally and professionally, something very few people do today.

Perhaps due to lack of time or daily stress, we don’t stop to enjoy the present moment. We forget how important it is to ask ourselves what we want and how we can enjoy life more. The answers to these questions allow us to evolve and work more effectively on our personal growth.

Anthony Robbins, one of the most recognized coaches in the world, says that “the quality of our life depends on the quality of the questions we ask ourselves”. Therefore, reflecting on what we are living, on how to simplify the present and what we want to do in the future, will help us to enjoy our here and now more.

Feeling an inner well-being implies simplifying our life trajectory, being aware that we are on the right path: one that enables an environment full of enriching people, which makes us act fully to achieve everything we want. To do this, put into practice the answers to these three questions that we’ll share next.

Three questions to simplify the present

Contact with nature to simplify the present

What is your goal at the present time?

It’s true that not all people strive to fulfill a purpose or simply to feel better, but they let time pass and unconsciously regret not moving forward. If you feel this way , identify what you are striving for each day and what goals you want to achieve.

Both aspects are important to simplify the present and enjoy it. It is not enough to have a goal without striving to reach it, just as it is no use striving without a clear objective. However, most people do not consider these two variables. If you’ve ever asked people around you about your routine and stress level, they probably answered that the situation wasn’t ideal, but there was no way to change it.

When we ask ourselves what we’re striving for, we can also become aware that we can be stressed out for what we don’t have yet, forgetting everything we’ve already achieved. The answer to that question makes you think you’ll never feel good or happy until you get everything you think you need. On the contrary, when you start striving to reach your goal, you will find that your well-being will immediately increase.

What can’t you “let go”?

Clinging to something or someone, even if it hurts us, is a habit that we humans innately practice. Every day we are immersed in a multitude of activities and bad habits that we cannot let go or forget.

We all know the power that, for example, certain toxic people have over our self-esteem, beliefs and feelings. These bad companions do an evil that, ironically, we cannot let go.

So if you want to simplify the present so that you can enjoy it more, think about your sources of attachment right now and let them go. When you understand all this, you will find that our problems are often completely preventable.

Simplify the present for more freedom

Who do you want to spend more time with?

One of the best-known phrases in the world of personal development is this: “We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.” However, most of us don’t consciously choose who we want to share our lives with. You, on the contrary, must start thinking and decide who you want to live with in order to enjoy the here and now even more.

For that, I want to invite you to think about the people you care about most. How can you prioritize your company? Although it can be difficult at times, limit the rest of the activities you normally do that do not bring you any satisfaction. That way you’ll see how it’s possible.  Get close to these people, make weekly appointments with no excuses or barriers to stop you.

On the other hand, value what other colleagues in your circle of friends can give you. Don’t waste your time with people who don’t care about you. Simplify your life by living with people who are worth it. Put other people aside, sending them so much love and thanking them for their passage into your life at all times.

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