Limits Only Exist In Your Mind

The limits only exist in your mind

The limits we impose on ourselves don’t really exist. They are just beliefs that we have been acquiring since we were children. These are borders that we establish, fundamentally, with the teachings of our parents and teachers, without reaching the precipice they supposedly mark.

Starting to overcome what limits us is essential to feel the above idea, so that it moves from the head to the heart. There are disciplines, such as monitoring or NLP (neurolinguistic programming), which are precisely about making us see where these limits are and how to overcome them.

How and where our limits are generated

We’re all born with genetics that help us do some tasks better than others, but that doesn’t mean we have to give up on the activities we’re worse at. Therefore,  genetics is the primary source of our limits.

The environment in which we live, our family, our friends and our education are essential factors that bring out many of the limits we impose on ourselves, without passing any kind of reflective filter through them. All of these factors also influence how we discover our talents and how we find activities we love.

Bush head trapped in a cage

With regard to education, it is important to note that  if we look at children, we will see that they have no limitations in terms of trying anything they want to do,  because they believe they are capable of doing everything. Ken Robinson, a British educator and writer, says that as we grow, the educational system prepares us for the “real world”. But what is the real world? Of course, it’s not the same thing now as it was years ago.

The problem is that the current educational system was created at the time of industrialization:  a period in which many specialists in certain disciplines related to material production were needed. The price for encouraging these subjects was paid for creativity in areas such as music, writing, sports, dance, etc.

Paradoxically, we currently  live in a completely different society, but education remains that of the industrialization era. Thus, thanks to the statics of the educational system that we have, what we are taught in schools is one more factor that imposes on us the mental limits that we assume.

What must we learn to overcome our limits?

Children are not afraid to experiment, to think differently, so it  is important to recover that creativity and learn, or relearn, to think like a child,  to create without fear, not to put limits on ourselves and to do everything. that we love. But what must we learn to eliminate our limits?

Recover a huge ability to learn

Children have an innate curiosity for the things around them, they look at everything, touch everything and explore everything. They don’t stop being interested in all kinds of things and, thanks to that, their learning capacity is immense.

Overcome the fear of making mistakes

Children are not afraid of making mistakes, they gradually acquire this fear, because society is transmitting that this is something bad. It is also necessary to relearn that a mistake can provide us with a very valuable experience, that  a mistake can be a success in itself.

doing things with passion

Developing what we love to do and  putting emotion into the things we do will vastly improve the results we get.  If we don’t love the job we have, maybe it’s time to change, to really enjoy what we really like and work with it.


child playing fly

A child learns to play with anything from a simple cardboard box to a sophisticated cell phone; they don’t stop exploring and experimenting. However,  we adults lose this ability to enjoy and play  to say things to ourselves that limit us, such as “I can’t” or “I can’t do this”.

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