The Power Of Positivity

the strength of positivity

A few days ago, a good friend told me that “time puts each one of us in our place” and since he told me this, I have gone around this topic a lot to finally make this reflection in the form of an article. Some will call him God, others Allah, others Jehovah, and others simply as that mysterious entity called “ Karma ” who does not judge from beyond. Here everyone will believe what their customs, culture or religion tells them.

But what is true in this statement? Is our destiny really written according to the facts that happen to us? Well, I think, in part, yes, but not in such a strict or regulatory way. I just think that it’s us, with our actions, that really allows “good or bad things to happen to us”.

In my case, when I went through difficult times in my childhood, I always knew how to overcome myself, know myself better, and I took advantage of this crisis in my life to realize that nothing and no one would frighten or distort my joy. And so, in part, I found “my place in life” again. In other words,  I could lead my life again.

always go ahead

Many of you are wondering how we can make life always provide us with wonderful experiences. Obviously there is no magic formula that works precisely. There will always be events that are not to our liking and that does not mean that we deserve them or anything like that, or that we are bad people. These are moments that we simply have to get through, to grow as people and become emotionally stronger. And when we do, better times will surely come. Sooner or later.

One way to promote events that we like is positivity. This is a very powerful weapon that many people are unaware of. If we are able to master it, the results will be amazing. So when something negative happens, try to find a solution quickly and then get your positive side. In this way, you will gain in self-esteem and confidence in yourself, because you were able to “survive” alone. You will believe that you are a strong person, determined and able to stand up to anything that comes your way. He understands? Positivity calls for more positivity.

the favors always come back

Also, one way to encourage this “power” is to help others. If we are able to listen to the problems of those close to us, and try to help them solve them, we will certainly feel better afterwards  . This will imply a great deal of self-esteem, as we will have become better people. Also, if you do someone a favor, they will surely return it when you need it. Here everyone wins!

If, instead, we only provide  negativity, rest assured that this will bring them more negativity. It is useless to lie in bed whining and falling into self-pity (at least in the long run) in the face of any adversity. This will be a time to face the difficulty and face reality as it comes. When you do, you will certainly see the positive side of what happened. And a Chinese proverb already said that  “if you fall seven times, get up eight” .

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