5 Signs Of Mental Health Problems You Didn’t Know

Poor mental health does not always manifest itself clearly and visibly. There are less obvious indicators that can also act as signals.
5 Signs of Mental Health Problems You Didn't Know

Mental health is not a dichotomy. The question goes beyond being healthy or sick ; there is a whole range of possibilities between absolute well-being and the disease that people can get themselves into. Today, we’re going to talk about some signs of mental health problems that you probably don’t know about.

We can even present some symptoms that worsen our quality of life without constituting a psychological disorder. Paying attention to these signs is essential to taking care of ourselves.

Signs of Mental Health Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore

Sometimes, some difficulties hinder our well-being and, because we are so focused on routine and obligations, we end up normalizing them. For that reason, today we’ve shown you some important clues you may have forgotten to look at.

1. Procrastination

Have you ever heard the saying “Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today”? Well, for those who procrastinate, it would be just the opposite: “Don’t do now what you can leave for later”. The procrastination of postponing pending tasks and obligations and devote time to any other enjoyable activity, but unnecessary.

In a superficial analysis, we could attribute it to laziness or unwillingness, but it usually occurs due to insecurity and perfectionism. When tasks are perceived as too complicated, when the person does not feel able to complete them or reaches the limit of self-demand, they can choose to postpone them. So if you have a tendency to procrastinate, you may need to improve your mental rigidity.

girl procrastinating

2. Mess and disorganization

There are some authors who argue that a certain level of mess promotes creativity. However, in many cases it also appears that this lack of order in physical spaces, when it becomes pronounced, is a reflection of the same problem in mental space.

It has been shown that messy people are more dissatisfied with their lives and are less productive. Furthermore, this disorganization can lead to anxiety, lack of concentration and sleep disturbances, especially if it occurs in the bedroom or in work environments.

If you want to know the state of your mind, take a look around. This outer chaos can be a sign of your inner turmoil and lack of direction.

3. Physical symptoms

Sometimes we forget that the mind and body are deeply connected. Physical symptoms can often be a sign of poor mental health.

There are multiple conditions more or less directly related to the emotional state, which arise or are exacerbated by the internal state of stress, nervousness or conflict. Among the most common are the following:

  • Gastrointestinal problems.
  • Migraine and headaches.
  • Itching, dermatitis and other skin conditions.
  • Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.
  • Bruxism and muscle pain.

In some cases, there are organic causes that give rise to these symptoms, and in other cases they are directly derived from psychological discomfort. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor and carry out the relevant tests in all cases. Various psychological treatments have been shown to be effective in reducing pain and discomfort in many of these conditions.

4. Tiredness

Fatigue is a subjective and ambiguous manifestation that can have a multitude of causes. However, when it is prolonged and persistent, and is not derived from physical illness or excessive activity, it may be an indication of poor mental health.

We generally associate fatigue with depression and other affective disorders. In fact, the feeling of tiredness, apathy and unwillingness is one of the clearest manifestations in these cases. However, this can also be a result of a high level of anxiety.

Our bodies are not designed to remain on constant alert; the processes of physiological and mental activation that go on and on and on end up draining us and leaving us exhausted. So if you are constantly feeling tired, don’t forget that your psychological state may be related to what happens to you.

5. Frequent conflicts

Finally, some important signs of poor mental health can be found by looking at how a person relates to others. If you have constant conflicts, with different people and in different areas, there is probably an underlying reason.

Irritability is often the mask of sadness, fear, or dissatisfaction; therefore, their susceptibility may be due to internal wounds that need to be healed.

Of course, there may be other reasons that lead to disagreements and arguments, such as a lack of assertiveness or social skills. However, when internal work has not been done, people may misinterpret others’ comments and attitudes based on their outstanding issues.

man arguing with his wife

Mental health problems can have many faces.

When we think about the signs of mental health problems, we tend to imagine a person who is sad, distressed, or out of control. However, sometimes they are more subtle. Aspects such as the environment around us, the relationships we maintain and bodily sensations can be indications that something is not right. After all, health is a global concept that permeates all areas of our lives.

So if you feel identified with any of the above points, don’t miss the opportunity to analyze what is happening and how you can improve your situation. Above all, remember that there are professionals trained to assist you in this process.

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