Taking The Good In Life To Take On The Bad

Take advantage of the good in life to take on the bad

We often focus on the mistakes we’ve made in life, and we easily forget about the good things. Our lives are full of good times that we forget when we look back and only look at the bad things.

The truth is that remembering the important moments or details that marked our lives is not an easy task. Our memory works selectively, choosing the memories it wants to preserve and what it will eventually forget.

The memories of our lives

Memories are those images, words, smells, sensations and emotions that we keep in our backpack. We can carry a very heavy load or, on the contrary, a light baggage. The bad thing is not walking with a big load, the bad thing is feeling your weight.

woman-with-paper birds

We feel a great weight when we carry memories of the heavy stones of guilt, sadness and failure. We feel a light weight when we know we carry all that weight, but we prefer to choose to feel good about the backpack we carry. The bad thing is not carrying a backpack of souvenirs, the bad thing is always choosing the heaviest weight.

We have to consider that our memory and our mind are wonderful, but sometimes they can be traitors. Our minds can betray us and retrieve distorted memories or remember them worse than they actually were. Furthermore, we know that our emotional state greatly influences the information we retrieve in our minds. If we’re bad, we’ll remember bad.

Life is choosing the good to be able to take on the bad things

Knowing that our memory doesn’t always work in the best way, the best thing we can do is keep this in mind when we are remembering scenes that are repeated over and over and do nothing but harm us. Think about your memory and make a more objective analysis of your memories.

It is also essential to consider that in life, not always everything goes as we would like, and that mistakes are part of learning. You are what you are and you’ve come this far for what you’ve learned.

All these questions like “what if… I had done”, “what if… I had said”, “what if… I hadn’t gone”. These are possibilities, paths we don’t take for some reason. Questioning, imagining alternative solutions and blaming yourself for not having taken them damages our present.

Think about the road ahead and what memories you want to add to your life’s backpack. The journey doesn’t end until we leave and memory is only part of the journey. Walk straight ahead; there are still memories to add to your biography.


the biography of your life

We are just drafts.  Half-length sketches that we improve with our experiences, thoughts and emotions that we associate with them. Don’t let your biography be written with spite. Building yourself is not an easy task. It takes trials, hits, and tumbles, but life isn’t an exam with just one correct answer. Nobody is born knowing how to live fully.

A good way to organize our biography is to express it. Writing it, painting it, singing it, touching it or even building it with my hands. Artistic expression, whatever it may be, is one of the best ways to express your biography.

Taking advantage of the good in life to be able to accept the bad things is to accept oneself and accept what was lived. And this is the greatest gift we can give ourselves to reach the end of the path being ourselves.

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