8 Essential Tips For Being A Good Psychologist

8 Essential Tips To Be A Good Psychologist

Psychology is the science that studies the individual, their behavior and their experiences. As we can see, it is a very broad and extensive field of study, which requires very specific and specialized training. Therefore, to be a good psychologist, regardless of specialty, it is necessary to have a series of fundamental characteristics and skills.

According to the Professional Code of Ethics of Psychologists, this professional must be, at all times, respectful, responsible, honest, sincere, prudent, competent and guarantee the “solidity of the objective and scientific foundation of their interventions”. But, in addition to all these skills, a good psychologist is more than that.

Empathy to be a good psychologist

It is important for the psychologist to know how to put himself in the place of the patients he treats. It is necessary to have mental mechanisms and strategies to understand the fears, needs and particularities of each patient’s circumstances. Only when this understanding is reached will the professional understand how to approach the case and how he can help.

Empathy is wrongly regarded by many people as a kind of mysticism. Psychologists have achieved such a degree of understanding of the human mind that they are able to adapt their ideas to those of the patient.

In this way, they understand any way of thinking, even if it is radically different from yours. This makes them know how to give equal importance to the ideas of others and their own.

Having support in difficult times

Open mind

Being a good psychologist means being free from prejudices, stereotypes, beliefs and preconceived ideas. It refers to being open to new ideas, the different and the unknown.

This quality, in addition to allowing anyone to live more fully, is essential for these professionals. You never know who will attend the appointment. Therefore, it is always necessary to be open to know the essence of the person, their own culture, interests and ideas.

In order to acquire this level of tolerance, the psychologist must have previously left their comfort zone. The one in which we feel protected and supported by the known. It is convenient to question, discover, inquire and assimilate that what surrounds us can serve as a true source of inspiration.


A characteristic closely related to openness of mind is the security that the psychologist has in himself and in his training as a professional. If he cannot demonstrate confidence in his own words, he will hardly be able to convey that feeling to anyone who asks him for help. 

It doesn’t mean he’s pedantic, too direct, or saying things tactlessly. It is about conveying the directions for action clearly, concisely and reliably . Certainly, hesitating, saying ambiguities, transmitting contradictory messages or considering oneself inferior to the patient are actions that harm the therapeutic relationship.


To achieve this level of open-mindedness, the psychologist must first perform a very important work of introspection. This implies observing yourself, analyzing yourself and understanding yourself. It is only by knowing oneself that this better knowledge is achieved in relation to the conduct and control of one’s mental states.


This quality is halfway between ease and understanding. It is convenient for the patient to feel comfortable with the professional so that they can talk and tell their case, their problems, their intentions or their greatest secrets.

On the other side is empathy, which we consider one of the main skills you need to be a good psychologist. The convergence between both results in accessibility: the ease and naturalness of being able to tell the professional about your concerns.

man in session with his psychologist

Analytical ability

In order to act, the professional must know how to interpret what the patient tells him. Since it shouldn’t cut the flow of the conversation, your ability to pick the key is essential. That is, knowing how to separate what is important, the thread that must be picked up again.

This ability also allows you to apply the most appropriate meditation techniques, thus ensuring the success of the therapy. Furthermore, it is crucial to design an intervention plan and evaluate the results.

Good communication

This is perhaps one of the biggest challenges psychologists face in daily practice, especially if they don’t have years of baggage yet. Knowing how to transfer all theoretical knowledge to real cases is not always simple.

Therefore, it is essential to master certain communication and social skills to be a good psychologist. Developing this gift and knowing how to relate and interact with people are fundamental qualities.

For example, during a session it is good to know how to ask questions, as well as to detect in advance what may be the main trigger of a disorder or a pathology. Likewise, the professional must be able to organize the time of the session, distributing the minutes effectively.

Therapist helping his patient

know how to listen

If the consultation is carried out in a relaxed environment, the professional will already be halfway there. If a climate of complicity is created, the other person will be able to speak calmly and sincerely. Knowing how to listen involves having an active and open attitude at all times , in addition to showing interest in what the other person is telling you.

That is, be a good listener and demonstrate it. It is recommended not to interrupt the patient so that he can express himself freely. Thus, he will be able to answer his own rhetorical questions that he asks himself aloud.

Leaving space for silence is also very positive. The professional must observe how the patient behaves during these breaks. What is the movement of the hands, posture or gestures. Everything is communication.

As we see, to be a good psychologist it is necessary not only to have certain skills, but also to know how to use them. Furthermore, during the practice of the profession, it is necessary to maintain an adequate, committed and rigorous attitude.

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