3 Steps To Getting Out Of A Mental Storm

3 steps to get out of a mental storm

Know how to get out of a mental storm, a state in which many negative ideas arise at the same time. Its strength is so great that it blocks us. It’s as if the path we’ve been following until then disappears out of nowhere. We feel as if we are completely surrounded by pessimistic, uncomfortable, depressed and melancholy thoughts at the same time.

A mental storm often comes after a very strong experience. A farewell, a breakup, or a disappointment, for example. At other times, it comes after a long season in which we were enduring several adverse situations at the same time. A period when we didn’t feel comfortable in the life we ​​were leading, and then there comes a time when a click happens that unties everything we were holding.

It is a state in which pessimism takes hold of us and we just feel like doing nothing. Giving up everything and staying there, just existing. It is normal that at some point in our lives we succumb to mental torment. If it does, however, we can fight it. There are three steps that can help us get out of this hole. We will deepen the subject below.

How to get out of a mental storm

1. Observe her for a moment and calm down

Think of a big weather storm. When it’s coming, usually what we do is look for a refuge, since it’s an uncontrollable phenomenon and impossible to face. We can only protect ourselves. Once we’re somewhere safe, we often just watch it go by. We are under the storm, but it is as if we are looking at it from the outside, unaffected.

woman with cloud in hands

We have to do the same thing with the mental storm. The first step is to find that safe place in ourselves, as a state of serenity. To achieve this, what must be done is to breathe deeply for about 15 minutes. If possible, this slow breathing can be done on a short walk through the nearby streets.

The next step is to look closely at everything that is happening. What are the ideas that invade your mind during the mental storm? Write them down on a piece of paper. Make a list, but don’t think about them yet. Simply write like someone taking down a saying. For now, there’s nothing else you can do.

2. Examine the options you have

Once you’re calmer, and you’ve got a list in front of you with everything that’s on your mind at the moment, the next step is to start looking for the sunlight that’s behind the clouds. Don’t think about how to get out of the mental storm yet. Simply look for some options, some way out of this state you are in.

In other words, it is recommended that you think about whether there is any alternative to make you feel better. The question you should ask yourself is, “What can I do to make this moment a little better?” Just focus on that: in the present moment, in the here and now. Don’t look for medium or long term solutions just yet.

What you need to solve right now is not all your problems, you just need to find a way out of this mental storm. What do you want? What are you needing? A hug? Listen to a song that motivates you? Get some exercise? Eat something tasty that you enjoy a lot? Whatever makes you feel good, it’s valid at that time.

3. Let’s go

Once you’ve detected what can comfort you right now, don’t wait a second: go after it. Do what you have to do and do it soon. If we don’t stop the mental storm in time, it gets worse and worse. Also, if you let too much time pass, it will be harder for you to get out of there. Therefore, you must simply act.

woman walking on a train track

What happens during a mental storm is that there is a small breakdown in our thoughts and emotions. They get out of control and we fail to see reality for what it is, greatly distorting the picture. Everything is interpreted from a much more serious and more difficult point of view at this point. It is not true that the world is as we are seeing it. We perceive it that way because we are under difficult circumstances that for a moment have deprived us of impartiality, flooding the context with dire fears and expectations.

That’s why it’s important to get out of this mental storm as quickly as possible. We have to regain our composure and regain control over the situation. At times like this, don’t think about anything else: focus on getting back to your center. Leave everything else aside. Your mind and heart are telling you to look inward to pull yourself together for what’s happening. Listen to that voice and its suggestion. After the storm subsides, you can see everything from another, much more pleasant perspective.

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