Where Do Lost Dreams Go?

Where do lost dreams go?

Unfortunately, people don’t come into this world with a practical guide that shows the paths we should follow; a specific manual for achieving success and proposed goals. We arrived in this world full of uncertainties and blindly, where day after day, we gradually glimpse the light of our path, based on achievements, but also on failures.

But is it really a failure not to have achieved one of our dreams? No way! We were certainly presented with other options and other directions that determine what we are now. But the essential issue is that these lost dreams have caused us an emptiness, a thorn in us, for which we do not stop suffering.

A lost love, a personal aspiration, like a trip, a job, some activity… Where do lost dreams go? Where are these anterooms that we’ve never been able to walk through?

One choice, one way?

There are many people who feed themselves daily on nostalgia. Personalities who constantly place their inner gaze on yesterday, on the lost… on unfulfilled dreams.  This can be a very high risk. If we become obsessed with the past, we will miss the present.

Certainly, not having fulfilled any of our dreams is mainly due to the fact that other things have arisen, such as other opportunities along the way. It could be that your dream was to live in another country, for example. It is possible that you were to meet someone there and, simply, the daily routine (marriage, children, etc) made that idea fade away, like a pencil drawing that ends up stained.

Or it could be that you’ve always dreamed of studying for a certain profession, of pursuing a specialty that you admire. But sometimes, our lack of resources limits us to achieving that amount of dreams. It’s also possible.  Which perhaps makes us wonder whether choosing a particular path, whether by choice or by obligation, irremediably distances us from what we once proposed. One way, one choice?  We need to be aware that it is possible for us to set limits on ourselves out of fear or indecision. What limits you today to achieving those dreams once you’ve had them? Perhaps the dream train is still at the station waiting for you…

The Value of Pursuing Our Dreams

Lost dreams sail like small moths around a light, until one day they burn their wings and fall. You might think that. It may be that, for whatever reason, it will be impossible to return to these opportunities that have eluded you so intensely in the past. But it is necessary to continue believing each day. Knowing that we can always believe in new dreams with which we can decorate our present, with new emotions and new goals.

There may be a way in which we can rescue those dreams that were not fulfilled in the past. If you let someone go, it’s never too late to make a call… Nowadays, social networks and new technologies offer us many opportunities to produce new meetings. If you dream of a trip, don’t let anything or anyone cut your wings.  If you feel like studying, playing a sport, climbing a mountain, dancing naked in a fountain, writing a book… or any other simple madness, or an aspiration, don’t hesitate to give it a try. It’s never too late for anyone. It could be that the train is still waiting for you…

Image Credits: Robert Paul

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