A Real Affectionate Hug Is Worth More Than Any Gift

A real affectionate hug is worth more than any gift

An affectionate hug warms the soul, makes our hearts smoke, gathers this and shrinks that from us, shakes us, shivers our skin and warms our house. That’s why a sincere hug is worth more than any other offering. Hugging the people we care about is what really makes them feel special, unique and lucky.

A hug builds steps with its warmth and forces us to contemplate space. Thanks to these gestures of affection, we have the opportunity to remember what comforts us. To keep it present, even though we are not aware, and so smile, even though we have no reason.

beautiful hands

The power of sincere affection

Hugs are a way of being able to tell our loved ones that we like them, without having to say words. Therefore, being able to immerse yourself in the pleasant memory of a hug means putting our feelings to flight  and letting them soothe our skin.

With a hug, we give and receive energy that nurtures our emotional well-being. We are designed to feel contact, to touch us and to transmit emotions through touch.

That’s why it’s important to stimulate this very specific part, because thanks to it we were able to strengthen bonds, comfort and weld those pieces that were broken by the difficulties in life.

affectionate hug

love as a pillar of growth

Love makes us grow, waters our innermost emotions and thoughts. That’s why hugs, which are the show of love par excellence, allow us to accompany the people we care about, whenever they need it.

It’s that hugs become a faithful light that guides our path and veils our dreams when the sun and the body need to rest. That’s why hugs become humility when our successes exalt us, make us grow, make us better.

Hugs become security and prudence, genius, inner peace, strength and balance. This is possible because a hug is something like the key that opens the closet that contains the elixir that eliminates our ills.

affectionate hug

Circumstances may prevent physical contact, but not displays of affection.

We are often far away from people we love and therefore cannot give them a physical hug as we would like. However, there are the psychological hugs, which are as sincere and valid as skin-to-skin hugs.

This is possible because we embrace each day with our actions, our words and our care and attention. This is how the hug becomes the most universal show of affection that exists, because thanks to it we transmit support and love to our loved ones.

In this sense, a physical hug offers affection when it is psychological, that is, when it comes from our will and from our interior. Therefore, the hugs that really count are those that become psychological, emotional and that make us close our eyes and dedicate a thought. In short, the hugs that add up are those that nourish our being.

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