Adversity Causes Some People To Push Their Limits And Others To Fall Apart

Adversity causes some people to push their limits and others to fall apart

The hardest limits to break and cross are the ones on our minds. Anthony Robbins, one of the most famous motivators of our time and probably who has contributed most to personal change over the past 30 years, suggests that success is 80% psychology and 20% strategy.

The problem is that strategic limits are usually studied and trained, but mental limits go unnoticed behind the personality. Mental boundaries as such do not actually exist, but are created by ourselves. The only way to change your boundaries is to first understand how they are created.

The more mental boundaries we have, the worse the image we will have of ourselves. Our limitations distort our self-esteem and this affects the results we get. We act based on how we conceive of ourselves.

Is adversity our ally?

Faced with adversity, people have two options, try to avoid it or face it. We can no longer be convinced that a life without setbacks is a sterile life. Each of us is the result of learning in difficult situations.

sunset woman

Adverse situations are the scenario that makes us leave our comfort zone for other situations that are much more enriching. The area on the other side of our comfort allows us to expand, reveals its own characteristics and resources that were unknown to us until then, and allows us to transform walls into steps.

When adversity calls you, remember these words from the father of psychology, Sigmund Freud; I was a lucky man in life: nothing was easy for me.

Living with non-limitation as a limit

The only way to eliminate our mental limits is to question them or, even better, challenge them. First, before putting ourselves to the test, we must consider whether what we think and believe for a while is true. That is, we need to look at the evidence and not at our supposed limits, real and overwhelming evidence that what we think is true.

Once our limitations are questioned, it is necessary to verify if we have ever challenged ourselves, when we did it, how we did it and what led us to do it. If we haven’t done it before, we must ask ourselves: what led us to this? Also: what do we need to do to make this the first time?

In order to be able to question the boundaries that we think surround us, it  is necessary to ask ourselves what would happen if we decided to destroy them. This simple question, with the corresponding visualization of ourselves destroying our boundaries, can help us get out of the fear we might have when stepping into the unknown. And above all, ask ourselves what will happen if we don’t do anything. Unfortunately, we already know the answer to this question: if we don’t do anything, probably nothing will change.


It is important that we start to be aware of what we can change in our mind. Simply adding a “yet” to the phrase “I can’t do it” is a simple change that has a very positive unconscious effect. This added word opens up the possibility of doing what we have not been able to do so far. Remember: challenging our limits is the first step towards overcoming them.

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