Artificial Intelligence Is Just Around The Corner!

Artificial intelligence is just around the corner!

Artificial intelligence is an area that is constantly developing, with an increasing number of people involved. Currently, we do not know how advanced this knowledge is. Progress is usually confidential information, which we only hear about after a certain amount of time. It is already public knowledge, however, at least a part of all the evolution that has already taken place in this area.

We know, for example, that artificial intelligence is being applied to all areas of work that involve repetition. Before long, robots will begin to replace humans in these tasks. This will be just the beginning of a new revolution that is ever closer and that has increasingly complex electronic devices as protagonists.

We still don’t know precisely how the culture will be affected by all these changes. What is known is that, just as new technologies have transformed our daily lives, new developments in artificial intelligence bring with them the prospect of major transformations. All of this is closer than most of us think.

woman in front of robot

Artificial intelligence and a peek at what’s to come

Antonio Orbe is a psychologist and also an expert on the subject of artificial intelligence. He published a book called “A look at the future”. In this work, he tries to get closer to a description of what the world will be like in the short and medium term. It assures, in addition to weaving several lines of thought and reflections, that the most reasonable thing is to assume that many jobs will simply disappear.

The first consequence of this fact is an increase in inequality. Many workers will no longer have work options and therefore will not have a livelihood either. They will be unemployed. This will force the state to take political, economic and social measures to face this new situation .

Orb has an optimistic view on the matter. He shows that it is not impossible, in this scenario, to think of a new world in which things are no longer all work-oriented as they are today. On the contrary, leisure could take the leading role. Humans would ultimately spend most of their time performing activities to improve everyone’s personal well-being in a collaborative way.

The human being competes with technology

Orbe also argues that there is an implicit competition between technology and human beings. Much of the new developments in artificial intelligence will have a very definite application: to replace the work that is now being done by people. This applies not only to the working world, but also to personal life.

The author also speaks of the human being’s difficulty in adapting to new technologies. The pace is faster and faster. This requires that the adaptation be permanent, which even happens successfully at the individual level.

On the social plane, however, adaptation is not so fast. While artificial intelligence advances like lightning, societies move at a tortoiseshell. It is possible that this is a source of instability and even tensions in the future. Advancement can be very uneven.

The creation of artificial intelligence

The future of artificial intelligence

Orb discourages fear, partly stemming from sci-fi movies and partly from a common impression that robots will take over. It shows that we are still a long way from such a generalist artificial intelligence. That is, a technology that is capable of taking any problem that is presented and solving it satisfactorily and automatically.

What there is currently is a concrete artificial intelligence. This type of intelligence is only capable of performing a specific group of tasks.  It does it perfectly, but it can’t get out of those pre-programmed capabilities because it doesn’t have the capability to do it. All developments in today’s technology are thus oriented towards concrete intelligence. It is this that will replace the man in a great number of jobs.

Artificial intelligence


Theoretically, there is a high probability that artificial intelligence will become aware. Basically, all of the human being’s intellectual capacities can be replicated by a machine. From a technical point of view, however, we are still a long way from this moment.

Finally, Orbe demonstrates that one of the most interesting aspects of artificial intelligence is that it forces us to rethink our meaning as human beings. If machines do such a thing, what am I for? What value or effect does what I do in this context? What distinguishes me from a machine? These are all questions that will acquire more and more relevance. Each one can think of their own answer.

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