Celebrate The Woman: Eva Was Not Born From Any Rib

Celebrate the woman: Eva was not born from any rib

Every March 8 we celebrate Women’s Day around the world. This is important because a day like this, the way it was conceived, is neither celebrated nor greeted. Why? Because this date was set on the calendar to remember more than 100 women who lost their lives during a New York factory fire on March 8, 1908.

These women were at the Sirtwoot Cotton factory when the fire broke out, attributed to the owner of the same company. Starting the fire was her response to the strike that was taking place to ask for equal pay, a reduction in the workday to 10 hours and time to be able to breastfeed her children.

In 1910, in Denmark, the Second International Conference of Working Women took place, at which time March 8 was established as the International Day of Working Women. It is this fact that is used as a reference to fight for the professional rights of women in each country.

Currently, this “celebration” has been extended to Women’s Day, a moment that helps us remember all the goodness that the gender that brings life to the world carries. However, this day needs to serve as a point of claim, not a categorization of women as admirers of the color pink, makeup, or the other kind of stereotype and machismo that corporate marketing takes advantage of.


Why is it necessary to empower women?

The empowerment of women is as necessary as it is urgent in our society, as it offers the female gender the adjustment of powers and forces that correspond to them without submission.

Even in this century we feel our hearts shrink when a woman is mistreated for the simple fact of being a woman, when her desires and dreams are ended because it is not accepted that a woman does not sacrifice herself for others, when we hope that it is the woman who stands up and collects the dishes, when a woman manager impacts us, when car brands use a woman’s body to capture buyers, when the sale of a perfume depends on the attraction potential of the woman in the ad, etc.

Like it or not, we live in a world of inequality. Our minds and our expectations are unequal by gender. This is reflected in our behaviors and thoughts, and when we become aware, we struggle with them day after day.

strong woman frida

What do we want for women on this day and the rest of the year?

We want a woman to have the same opportunities as a man, no more and no less. We want there to be no need to pay international tributes every March 8th. We also want balance and equality to be a natural thing.

We don’t want to be paid less or work for free. We don’t want job offers to ask us for our number or demand a certain appearance. We also don’t want to have to wear a uniform with a skirt by decree.

We do not want a woman to be brought up as a martyr and to see herself socially obliged to sacrifice her desires “for the sake of others.” We don’t want them to use the color of pink to honor us, because that color belongs to everyone.

We don’t want advertising to turn us into objects. We don’t want breastfeeding to be frowned upon or for not doing so they look down on us with discrimination. We want to be contemplated as another being in this world without the fear of being broken.


Because frailty is not synonymous with the female gender and household chores or raising children are not just women’s things. Because, as the fantastic Eduardo Galeano rightly pointed out:

“If Eve had written Genesis, what would mankind’s first night of love be like? Eve would have started by clarifying that she was not born with any rib, nor knew any snake, nor offered an apple to anyone, and that God never told her that she would give birth in pain and that her husband would dominate her. That all these stories are pure lies that Adam told the media.”

cloud woman

Happy life for all women

Happy life, woman. We say “happy life” because today we don’t compliment you for being a loving, hardworking, good mother or best daughter. We simply make a call for you to feel proud of being who you are as a person, for you to add to the manifestations and issues and visualize the inequalities.

However, remember that even though each March 8th is a day dedicated to all the wonderful women of the world and history, we must not forget that we need to scream with the same intensity for the rest of the year.

That said, once again: HAPPY LIFE, WOMEN. Because even though for centuries society has been committed to believing that a woman is worthless, a woman can be EVERYTHING, without limitations or distinctions, and there is more and more awareness of this.

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