Do You Know What Kinesthetic Body Intelligence Is?

Do you know what kinesthetic bodily intelligence is?

In our cultural tradition a separation was made between the body and mind relationship, of which many of us are not aware until today. The intelligence that encompasses and deals with logic, mathematics, and verbal language has been better considered than  Body Kinesthetic Intelligence for years.

Kinesthetic bodily intelligence is the ability to use the body with great precision, helping us to execute our personal goals and objectives. The body is the main active part that facilitates the necessary impulse and moves us from intention to action.

Even so, it is evident and logical for our own well-being the importance of unity, balance and harmony of both the concepts of logical and bodily intelligence, taking into account that the body and mind go hand in hand in our development. The reflexive or cerebral part is equally necessary to the “active” part (the body).

The lack of knowledge that we still have when it comes to differentiating, understanding and enhancing each of the intelligences is leading us to not knowing how to fully develop our innate capabilities.

The kinesthetic body intelligence

Within this type of intelligence we talk about coordination, balance, ability, speed, strength, dexterity… it is about relying on tactile mechanisms and human movement to get information, knowing that our body is the main tool to be effective and productive in all spheres of life.

Also, as we were commenting earlier, this kind of intelligence allows us to express ideas and feelings by producing a great development in the ability to use our hands to transform elements.

We can find it in athletes, dancers, surgeons, artists, artisans, and all people who perform activities where precision in controlling body movements as a form of expression is the main characteristic.

kinesthetic body intelligence

It is important to take into account that, to keep our kinesthetic intelligence at optimal and healthy levels, we must avoid harmful habits that lead us to lose quality in our activities.

A healthy diet and exercising and exercising will be the main points to be worked on for this. Often, our body movements are proof of what we think or decide unintentionally. Because of this, it is recommended to have control over it and be aware of what the signals and messages that the body sends mean.

All people can improve the development of this intelligence and retain the face of inventors. A good exercise that will allow you to work and maintain it might be to devise things to cover some need.

No matter how simple it may be: objects that help you streamline your day-to-day habits like a book separator, a shelf made by you to organize your clothes… the secret to accomplishing these tasks lies in thinking about them and put them into practice.

Any exercise that has to do with employing your body and mental creativity will become an effective ally in developing that kind of  intelligence  and connecting with your body and mind. Thus, we will achieve the full balance and awareness we deserve!

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