How Does Drug Use Affect Teenagers’ Mental Health?

How does drug use affect teenagers' mental health?

Drug use in adolescence is the origin of many mental health problems, at this stage of life and also in later stages. For example, a teenager with a drug use disorder is more likely to have mood problems, anxiety, learning disorders, or behavior disorders.

We cannot forget that when a teenager is at his limit, what he is looking for is a quick solution, whatever it may be, in order to feel immediate relief. They are tired of hearing from adults what they can and should do. The consumption of alcohol or drugs provides them with that outlet. This often leads to what is known as comorbidity or associated morbidity.

What is comorbidity?

Comorbidity is a condition in which a person suffers more than one mental illness at the same time. Most of the time, these illnesses must be approached and treated on an individual basis. One of the most common forms of paired illnesses is drug addiction and depression, especially in teenagers.

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The interesting thing about this subject is that drug use is not always the starting point of another mental illness, but it may be that another illness is a risk factor for its use. In this way, a mood or anxiety disorder can lead a teenager to use drugs as a way of “self-medication”.

In comorbidity there is also an interaction between the two diseases, so that one worsens the symptoms of the other and generally gives rise to a worsening in its own symptoms.

Drug addiction is a mental illness

Drug addiction is a chronic and recurrent disease that is characterized by the compulsive search and consumption of these substances, despite the knowledge of their harmful consequences. It is considered a mental illness because drugs modify the structure and functioning of the brain, conditioning and seriously limiting the patient’s life.

Addiction fundamentally changes the brain as it disrupts the normal hierarchy of needs and desires and replaces them with new priorities related to getting and using drugs.


The compulsive behaviors that result from this weaken the ability to control impulses despite the negative consequences. These behaviors are similar to the basic characteristics of other mental illnesses.

Although the initial decision to use drugs is voluntary, the continued use of these substances alters a person’s ability to exercise self-control, and he can be seriously affected. This deterioration in self-control is the hallmark of addiction.

Brain imaging studies of addicted people show physical changes in areas of the brain that are essential for judgment, decision-making, learning and memory, as well as for controlling behavior. Scientists believe these changes alter the way the brain works and may help explain the compulsive and destructive behaviors of addiction.

Risk Factors of Adolescent Drug Abuse and Mental Health Problems

Drug abuse and other mental illnesses have a lot in common, including a number of causes. Some of the risk factors that can lead to drug abuse and mental instability in adolescents are as follows:

brain development

According to the University of Rochester, the human brain does not fully develop until approximately 25 years of age. Indeed, the prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision making and emotional control, is still under development.

Until that time, teens and young adults are looking for acceptance and ways to impress others without considering the consequences. They are still prone to making impulsive decisions, without linking emotions and reason. This makes them particularly susceptible to developing multiple mental health problems.

verbal abuse or physical abuse

Verbal or physical abuse during childhood and adolescence can leave physical and emotional scars. Young people who have been victims of these abuses will seek any way to suppress the pain suffered, even long after suffering these abuses.


The scars caused by abuse are often accompanied by low self-esteem, disillusionment, paranoia, and even thoughts of suicide. Something that does not facilitate the reflection on the damage that substance abuse causes to the body, but the opposite.

early exposure

Statistics have shown that when children are exposed to drugs and/or alcohol they are more likely to develop addiction problems. It’s enough for them to see the people in their closest circle.

Drug or alcohol consumption can be a contributing factor to mental instability, especially at an early age, as medications can alter the development of young people’s neurological systems and how they respond to stress.


The surroundings are constantly putting pressure on young people about what they should and should not do. Parents, teachers and the media exert pressure on teenagers, who feel pressured from all over to become perfect people.

All this pressure is undoubtedly a factor that contributes to young people feeling anxiety and low self-esteem.  This creates an internal, constant, and unnecessary self-defense battle that can lead to addiction, depression, and suicidal thoughts or tendencies. Adults know it’s impossible to please everyone. However, teenagers are still learning.

The importance of prevention in periods of high risk

Early drug use increases the chances that a person will develop an addiction. Prevention of early drug or alcohol use can make a big difference in reducing these risks. If we can prevent young people from trying drugs, we can prevent drug addiction.

drug use

The risk of drug abuse increases in times of transition. In early adolescence, when children move from primary to secondary school, they face new and challenging social and academic situations.

During this period, for the first time, children are exposed to substances that lend themselves to abuse (such as tobacco or alcohol). When they start their studies in high school, teenagers have the closest access channels to drugs and it is not uncommon for them to end up witnessing their consumption.

At the same time, many normal developmental behaviors, such as the desire to try new things or take greater risks, can increase your tendency to try drugs. Others may think that taking drugs improves their physical experience or their intellectual or sporting performance, which will reduce their anxiety in certain social situations.

On the other hand, adolescents’ abilities to exercise good judgment and make decisions are still developing and may limit their ability to accurately assess the risks of all these forms of drug use.


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