I Can Teach You To Fly, But Not Guide Your Flight

I can teach you to fly but not guide your flight

When you become a mother, when a little part of you, a part that has been pounding in your heart for nine months, finally leaves, your fears become bigger. You realize that there is no greater uncertainty than giving wings and teaching to fly, knowing that when your child leaves the nest, he will have to make his own way.

Perhaps that’s why becoming a mother is one of the most beautiful and, at the same time, most terrifying experiences you can experience. It is not just about giving life, but also about teaching how to live it. It’s about being aware of our imperfections and our mistakes, about growing as our children grow.

parents kissing their baby son

Before giving birth, you already started to doubt

Before giving birth, before our child comes out of the womb and long before it starts to fly alone, first-time mothers are a sea of ​​doubts. From how to feed to exercise during pregnancy. To that are added the thousands of books on motherhood and the good, though often overwhelming, advice from the women who have been mothers around us.

Advice that often contradicts each other or what the health team itself recommends. So, what can we do to be good mothers and not make mistakes? Well, although it seems contradictory, the first thing we must do is assume that we are going to make mistakes, because we are not perfect and because they made mistakes with us before, and yet nothing serious has happened to us.

The best guide through the motherhood process will always be ourselves, as no one knows our body like we do, and once we give birth, no one like us to recognize our baby’s different cries. Can we have doubts? Of course, it’s a new process, but healthcare personnel will always be there to advise us as accurately as possible and to steer us away from the false myths of motherhood that can be harmful.

mother and daughter in the field in the sun

You will teach them to fly and they will leave the nest

Once our children grow up, motherhood becomes a real exercise in improvisation. Nobody is born knowing and, on many occasions, we are not able to imagine the situations and dilemmas we will have to face. We’ll do it with the help of all the advice and ideas we’ve talked about before, but mostly with our intuition.

The trick is to teach the path that best represents the values ​​you would like your children to reflect and invite them to explore it. In other words, you will teach how to fly, how to choose your life and how to plan, but they will be the ones who will decide the destination of your flight.

They’ll make mistakes, they’ll make decisions you won’t like, you’ll see them suffer and cry, but also laugh and evolve. This is one of the best parts of motherhood and will make you proud to see them grow and mature. Knowing that you have done your best so they can fly by themselves and watch them leave the nest with the courage and responsibility that takes the arduous task of choosing your own destiny will be what completes this joy that has begun to beating at the same time as their hearts.

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