I Prefer A Dignified Solitude To An Incomplete Relationship

I prefer a dignified solitude to an incomplete relationship

We fear loneliness, both men and women. However, sometimes solitude is not only necessary; it is also curative. Being alone means being able to think about ourselves, what we want, what we dream and, above all, how we feel.

Being alone does not mean being sad, it means enjoying this moment, these days, these years, to relax, to enjoy life. Solitude dignifies us, distances us from relationships that are incomplete, that do us harm.

be happy with ourselves

We cannot let our happiness depend on someone else, on a partner. If you’re not happy alone, you won’t be happy with your partner either. Loving yourself is essential for someone else to love us. How do you intend for someone to like you if you don’t like yourself?

Loneliness is associated with spiritual development. Characters like Christ, Buddha or Mohammed had crucial revelations in solitude. We also relate loneliness to creativity, as writers, philosophers and scientists have praised it as a key element in generating new ideas.


Currently, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, allow you to be continuously connected with other people, but it seems that “being connected” with someone is encouraged, whenever that person is not yourself. But loving ourselves, thinking about ourselves, is a necessary act of selfishness on many occasions.

There is a very deep idea that many things should be done together, but what can happen if you go to the cinema alone, if you go to your favorite restaurant alone, if you are alone at home on a Saturday night, if you go to an exhibition by myself? The only thing that will happen is that you will like it.

Over the years, loneliness is the best companion

We are social animals, that’s a fact, but over the years, the need to be with other people continually diminishes. With age, our interests become clearer and we focus on them, without the need to prove other things we don’t like or to relate so much to other people.

A balance is simply achieved in which we will equally enjoy our solitude and the time we share with others. Loneliness can become a companion that we can also spend some of our time with.

Loneliness can be the opportunity to develop our personal or professional concerns, to dedicate ourselves physically and mentally. We are not talking about a sad loneliness, but a loneliness necessary to reconcile with our mind and spirit.

Saying goodbye to an incomplete relationship

We often relate loneliness to not having a partner, but even in cases where we have a partner and we don’t feel well, it ‘s always good to do a deep reflection about the relationship we have and the one we want.


A great deal of raw realism is hard, but essential to seeing what we don’t want to see. A relationship where you feel bad, a relationship where you are treated badly, is not worth it to anyone. Escape as soon as possible.

Say goodbye to what makes you feel bad; farewell is difficult, but it doesn’t kill. For a while you will think about the good times you shared with that person, but you should not forget the reality. Let time caress the wounds, don’t rush to look for someone else, enjoy your own company.

There is always a period of mourning after the end of a relationship, which usually lasts between six months and a year. If you want to cry, cry, if you need to walk in the rain, do it. Give yourself this time to reflect and overcome.

You are now free, with all that it means. Decide, enjoy, do and let it do, walk, run, dream, kiss, hug, look, enjoy life. Let loneliness envelop you, let it be a warm blanket, let your thoughts fly free, let your feelings surface on your skin.

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