I Wish You Never Run Out Of Thread To Embroider Your Dreams

I wish you never lack thread to embroider your dreams

Maturity taught me who and what my priorities and dreams are. Now, I can take up the threads of my life with more courage and conviction, because this time I will use colored threads to weave a much stronger, more dignified and colorful existence.

Often, and without a pre-set age for this, the time usually comes when we take stock of the “fabric of life” built so far. Suddenly, we realize that between what we are and what we do there is a deep problem: we don’t like any of this, nor does it bring us happiness.

Our life paths sometimes form complex labyrinths of frustrations, fears and blocks in which we are permanently trapped. We lost those threads of colors that in the past embroidered each of our dreams and desires. It is then that uncertainty and fear that corrodes and destroys…

Is this the life I have left? Have all my trains gone?

dream train

The Senoi, the translators of dreams

The Senoi are a Malaysian tribe who have always been very interesting to anthropologists, psychologists and sociologists. One of the customs that they have preserved since ancient times is that of getting together every morning as a family to talk about the dreams and nightmares they had during the night.

Far from giving this custom an air of magic or spirituality, what the Senoi intend is to understand through these dream images the needs of each person. To carefully analyze what each member of the family explains, this tribe usually climbs on bamboo hollows to keep themselves away from the earth, away from the “physical”.

The surprising thing about this practice is that, as research from several experts demonstrates, the Senoi are an incredibly happy social group. These expression meetings allow you to “take back” the threads of your reality to get to know yourself better. In this people there are no violent attitudes, and no one suffers from mental illness.

dream Catcher

You will no doubt enjoy knowing what kind of techniques Senoi use to face these fears that are often reflected in our own dreams. If you want, there are still very interesting books like “Senoi Dream Theory: Myth, Scientific Method, and the Dreamwork”, by psychologist William Domhoff.

However, these are some small examples of his line of coping:

  • Every threat that appears in a dream or a nightmare is a reality that we need to recognize and manage.
  • Our dreams and goals are behind this “monster” or this diffuse “shadow” of the dream that we need to know how to overcome in order to find our paths again.
  • If we dream of falling off a mountain or down a hole (images associated with anxiety), we will need to visualize over the course of two days an image in which, right after the fall, we are awaited by a soft field of flowers.
  • Another piece of advice from the Senoi is this: when we are dreaming and we are aware of it (lucid dreams), we need to make an effort to make friends, to create bonds of affection.

Recover the threads that embroider our dreams

When uncertainty overtakes us and we feel that uneasiness between what we want to be and what we are now, there is only one option: change. Now, it is not about ending up in sudden transformations either, because the “tsunamis of life” do not always guarantee success.

In fact, it’s about allowing ourselves to flow while allowing for small changes, new directions, new people, new thoughts. All of this suddenly brings us dozens of new threads of color with which to embroider those dreams that we once had and which, for whatever reason, were asleep.

party hat butterflies

Steps to Initiate Change and Achieve Personal Purposes

To make a change, however small, we are forced to assume that a moment of crisis will appear. These are the threads that offer resistance, that stubbornly and that dig into our own skin, trying to prevent us from taking the step we need.

  • Don’t be afraid of the pain of letting go.  There are threads that get cut because they don’t hold as much load anymore. It is necessary to let them go to find others much more beautiful that will embroider better dreams. Best projects.
  • Listen to your intuition, this dimension that connects directly with our emotions and the unconscious that the Senoi know how to interpret so well, whispers truths to us that we don’t always hear.
  • We need to be very clear about what we want for ourselves. If you want peace, let go of those who bring you a storm. If you want love, start by loving yourself. If you want recognition, work on your self-esteem. If you want freedom, look for the key to your chains.

The threads that embroider our dreams are right now waiting for us in every corner, in the smiles of people we know and those we don’t know. Because, believe it or not, there are still many platforms where the trains that bear our names pass, and because it’s never a good idea to let small minds convince us that our dreams are too big.

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