If You Don’t Let Go Of The Past, How Will You Grasp The Future?

If you don't let go of the past, how are you going to grab the future?

How many times do we find ourselves clinging to memories, images of yesterday, people from the past, without even realizing that  to live our present and grasp the future, it is necessary to create a vacuum in our lives, leaving aside certain feelings and anguish that certain memories cause.

There are  many people who live anchored in moments in the past that no longer exist; this prevents them from living their reality, enjoying the present and thinking about their future. Living in the past gets in the way of your dreams and goals, as well as pushing people away from your life.

3 steps to release the past

There are many ways to free oneself and let go of the past, to put aside the bad memories and achieve the famous “carpe diem” to live in the moment, the now, the present. Have you ever stopped to think about the happy and beautiful moments you live each day?

A conversation with a friend, a smile from your partner, a hug from your child. However, it is not enough just to think about them, live them when they are happening, do not get distracted, put away your cell phone, turn off the television and enjoy the present with all five senses.

Woman with bird hair thinking about the past

Therefore, in order to enjoy our present and our future, it is necessary to release the past that we hold onto, often meaningless. Let it go, keep it and go on living, it ‘s your life waiting to be lived. Below we’ll give you 3 simple tips to get rid of the past:


The past cannot be changed, however, the present and the future can. So, accept what happened and free yourself from the guilt that you carry on your shoulders, which no longer allows you to see the future or feel the now. Acceptance is essential to be able to face problems head-on.


From all the incidents that occur in the past, some teaching can be drawn. We will already know what not to do again, what to avoid. If we go back to making the same mistake that happened in the past, it is no longer a mistake, it is a choice. Since you have a choice, do you prefer to cling to the past or enjoy every second of it?

To forgive

On many occasions we cannot forgive a person who has wronged us, a friend who has deceived us. However, this would allow the rancor to subside, as forgiving is a way of going in peace with ourselves and with others. Forgive others, but forgive truly, without falsehood, and even forgive yourself. Only in this way will you free yourself from the locks that keep you locked into a past that you can no longer change.

Let go of the past and move on to the future

grab the future

Allow yourself to dream, think about how you want your life to be in the future, do everything possible and impossible to make this dream come true. Set a goal and all the steps to reach it. What is the house you want to live in? Which places do you want to travel to? What job do you want to have? What is your ideal person like?

If you think that everything depends on luck or other people, you are very wrong, because the only person capable of making your dreams come true is yourself. No one will pick you up from your house and offer you the job of your dreams, the man or woman you’ve always dreamed of will present themselves overnight in front of you, nor will they wake up living by magic in that amazing house on the beach.

Go out and grab your future. Once you’ve established your goals, think through all the steps to follow, use a calendar, and plan out all the details. From time to time review your progress and correct mistakes made. However, keep in mind that your goals will have to be clear and concise, they will have to be achievable and realistic.

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