In The Realm Of Hypocrisy, Sincerity Is The Great Misunderstood

In the realm of hypocrisy, sincerity is the great misunderstood

In realms where the lie rides dressed in sweet hypocrisy, sincerity is always the great misunderstood. It’s like communicating with transparency was a crime, a daring for someone who takes off their armor and, with politeness and respect, is able to go ahead with their heart and with the truth in their mouths.

It’s not easy. Today, there are many sociologists and analysts who define a good part of the population as passive entities, as mere witnesses to what happens in this world. Hypocrisy reigns in many of our political spheres, in some work environments  and even in the privacy of some of our homes, without us doing anything to react.

There are those who opt for silence and this supposed passivity for the simple and absolute tiredness. Because we already know “whose foot is lame” that family member, boss or co-worker. We know that there are many who defend equality, but who secretly despise that others have the same rights as him, the same opportunities.

Without fear of making mistakes, we could say that there is a dimension much more raw, obscure and hairy than the lie itself: hypocrisy. It is nothing more and nothing less than a very enigmatic lack of honesty, where one hides one’s personality while exhibiting an impeccable moral nobility.

As you certainly know more than one person with these characteristics, we propose that you delve into the subject in order to have more strategies to act on them.


We normalize hypocrisy almost without realizing it

Since we are children, adults have taught us that the truth is good and that lying is a habit best not to acquire. They show us a practice about which, sooner or later, we discover winding corners and refined nuances. As Lawrence Kohlberg explained in his theory of moral development, it is in the second stage, in the so-called “conventional morality”, that the child between 10 and 13 years old develops an initial awareness of the sense of justice, and discovers how to adults can fall into their own contradictions.

They demand sincerity from us, but many are offended if we tell the truth. Little by little we come to situations where we ask ourselves what can be better: sincerely offending or lying out of politeness. Sooner or later we assume that hypocrisy reigns and reigns, and that with it a false coexistence is built; a coexistence that exhibits glorious moral principles and beautiful ideologies under which cowardice or simple lack of concern for others normally hides.

Hypocrisy is totally institutionalized in our society, we have normalized it. However, and here’s a curious fact, most of us have an always up-to-date radar that knows how to detect it. We see hypocrisy in our politicians, in some of our family members or co-workers, and yet we don’t react to it. Somehow, we are aware that it is an almost lost battle: it is a difficult task to change those who are not even honest with themselves.

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Falsehood is overcome by always being authentic

There are all kinds of hypocrisy. There are those who display great attributes to hide obscure moral principles: racism, machismo, a backward mind. However, the type of falsehood that most abounds is that of that person who seeks to fit in, be accepted and even praised. Therefore, she will not hesitate in defending the purple color today and the green color tomorrow, and then the blue one, always depending on the environment in which she is.

Being guided at all times by the opinions of others undermines our self-esteem and prevents us from practicing, for example, the self-assessment that we must always live according to our own values, even though we don’t please others.

Now let’s see how we should act in front of these people used to living in the realm of hypocrisy.

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How to react to hypocrisy

We cannot overcome hypocrisy, but we can face it. As we said before, changing the hypocrite is a losing battle, but what we can do is set an example, be authentic and deactivate the influence they can have on us.

  • Remember at all times that  the only expectations you must meet are your own. What the hypocrite recommends with his false judgment is of less importance than the dust that accumulates on the furniture in his home.
  • Hypocrites always fall into their own contradictions. When you notice, don’t attack these contradictions or start arguments with them: they will give you a thousand arguments to justify themselves. Just show your contradiction, something short and firm.
  • If you are forced to deal with a hypocritical person every day, keep in mind that they  will try to sabotage you quite often. It will qualify your actions and label you. If for that person you are a mirror in which they see something they don’t like, one of the options they will have is to end their discomfort, that is, you.

Always maintain an internal dialogue with yourself to remember who you are, what your values ​​are and what your greatness is. What the hypocrite says, does or thinks is neither valid nor counts for his life. It’s just air, just the breath of a cowardly puppet that has turned falsehood into its realm of cards.

Sooner or later the castle will fall.

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