Is It Possible To Be Happy Single?

Is it possible to be happy single? 

We grew up with the idea in our head that a person is only complete when he finds his “other half”. In fact, until recently, being single until a certain age was not very popular, and both family and friends tried to introduce someone to singles so they could get married and raise a family. With that, the question arises: is it possible to be happy single?

Currently, this situation appears to be changing. Little by little, singleness has been seen more as a lifestyle than as a situation of unhappiness and sadness. There are even people who choose to stay single. The number of single people, as well as divorced people, has grown a lot.

However, it is necessary to differentiate between being single by choice or by imposition. In this way, those who choose to stay single deal with it more easily, as the person is not in conflict with himself, as he is happy with his situation.

However, people who are single by imposition usually feel a great discomfort, frustration and impotence, which can lead to a desperate search for someone, or else lead to complete isolation. The result is that no matter how hard they look for someone, they can’t find a person with whom they can share and walk their path.

So is it possible to be happy single? Is it possible to experience joy and happiness without having another person to share life with? It all depends on how we handle ourselves! Let’s delve into this.

Change perspective to be happy single

Regardless of whether the decision to end a relationship was ours or not, being single doesn’t have to be a problem, much less synonymous with unhappiness. In fact, we shouldn’t be in a hurry to find another partner either.

However, if we are in a hurry, if we feel a great need to be with someone else, we may have a tendency to develop emotional dependency. For this reason, the best thing to do is to take the time to learn to deal with what is happening at the moment.

Self love

Having a partner is not mandatory, just as it is not a sin to be single. We need to have this very clear in our minds. Despite all the contradictory messages and ideas that the media, the cinema and even our family members can give us, it’s not wrong.

Singleness can be an opportunity to get to know and connect with ourselves, and to do everything that was left to do but that we couldn’t do before. In fact, several studies link being single with a greater sense of freedom and higher levels of creativity.

Bella DePaulo psychologist presented evidence in 2016 that the single people often have feelings of self-determination stronger and are more likely to grow on a personal level than married people. This means that singleness also has its benefits.

Being single: between happiness and sadness

You will be happy for some days, but for others sadness will overwhelm you. There will be weekends where there will be a lot of partying, and there will be weekends where all you wanted to do was stay home and watch a movie or your favorite series. That’s life! Being single doesn’t mean you should always walk around smiling from ear to ear , but it also doesn’t mean you should be down all the time.

Most of the stereotypes cultivated by society force us to be happy 100% of the time to demonstrate that “we don’t need anyone to look good” , but this can be a very big pressure. Besides, it’s unreal.

Because most people regard loneliness (and thus singleness) as a close enemy, it takes enough emotional balance to be joyful despite not having someone to share our time with and sleep with every night.

friends having fun

It’s normal for our moods to fluctuate, but we can’t blame the fact that we’re single. The important thing is to allow us to know our emotions to discover the message we want people to know, especially if we identify this imperative need to be with someone.

to be single is not to be incomplete

Social pressure can deceive us. Outside the door we say that we are happy, but when we return home, we start to cry and get upset about not having someone or not having children, as society expects of us.

Logical reasoning and years of mental indoctrination make us think that if we are not married, we are incomplete. However, finding a partner is no guarantee of feeling full or in the company of love. We cannot confuse this. The ideal of marriage, children, dog and house is not so ideal, nor can it make you happy by itself. Happiness is not a feeling that comes from the outside, but from ourselves.

man relaxing and listening to music

Appreciate the fact that you are single

You can have wonderful moments when you are single. So don’t worry so much about looking for the other part that is supposed to “complete it”.

Take advantage of this stage of your life to do what you love, strengthen your friendships, go to the college you want, grow at work, take vacations and travel wherever you want, not depend on others’ plans, have dinner without supporting political conversations, etc. You have a million reasons to be single and happy! The important thing is that you are his priority, his plan A. 

Singleness is the perfect time to get to know yourself, to reveal your gifts and improve as a person. But beware! You will not be preparing for anyone but yourself. If that special someone comes into your life, be ready for them to see the best version of you. But if it doesn’t, that’s fine. You have enough company with yourself.

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